Since I can’t run for the IEA RA, tell me why I should vote for you.

For some still unexplained reason, I was not sent the copy of the Advocate that had the nomination form to run for the IEA Representative Assembly.

So I can’t run as a delegate. Nominations are closed.

Today I received the ballot.

There are thirty names. I can vote for seventeen.

Some people on the ballot I know. Some I don’t.

But I want to know who is going to go to the RA to fight for our pensions and a change to IEA business as usual.

So, Wesley Heyduck, Linda Walcher, Bob Kaplan, Marge Houghland, Tim Brinker, Pearl Mack, David Bishop, Linda Stolt, Jane Nolan, Bob Haisman, Brian Mooberry, Allen Forys, Sandy Drafall, Mae Smith, Dottie Beeler, Terrry Waldron, Ed Rosenthal, Donald Gibb, Chuck Weishaupt, Chuck Starke, Melody Sexton, Sandra Horvath, Charlene Haley, Barbara Thielemann, Rita Stone, Jack Tucker, Elizabeth Kinser, Barb Gilhaus, Sara Kaufman and Gayla Dial.

Tell me why I should vote for you.

Plus, this blog is widely read by IEA retirees. You can tell them too.

I’ll post your comments unedited.

If you don’t want to, I can’t make you. But I don’t have to vote for you either.

Since I can’t run and can’t go as a delegate, I want to make sure I’m represented.

Posted in IEA

3 thoughts on “Since I can’t run for the IEA RA, tell me why I should vote for you.

  1. Hi Fred, Thanks for the chance to share my credentials!
    I believe that I should be elected because:
    1) I understand that IEA-R should represent IEA’s Retired members. We make up 6% of IEA and yet have only 1 seat on the board, no official seats on IPACE and no one on Executive Committee where many of the decisions are made that affect us.We need to increase our representation.
    2) While not wearing an Orange sweater at the mike, I have never been shy about going to the microphone and becoming involved in the discussion. My years of activism as an active and retired member give me an insight into how IEA works.
    3) I think IEA needs to find a way to get more of our former leaders involved in IEA-R. I am only in my third year on Retired Council and still attend Region 39 Council to understand the issues that actives have and share the issues we have.
    4) I will bring issues that I have heard from Council, from my local chapter, from IRTA and from my Retired teacher breakfast group to the RA as appropriate.
    5) I have been active in political action and am a member of IEA’s Pension Defense Committee working to preserve our pensions.
    Thanks for the opportunity to post on your blog.

    1. Ed, you sound like a credible candidate–especially since you promptly replied to the ?
      I would vote for you–IF I belonged to IEA-R. I belong to IRTA, & I question joining IEA-R as
      the S.O.S. seems to be going on as it does w/IEA. (I regret having paid state & national dues for some of the many years I belonged–BUT–my local was worth every penny, & more.) In any event, I’m now trying to SAVE every penny, because I, like everyone else, do not know what is going to happen to my uber-generous-&-decidedly-undeserved-pension, & so I am apt to spend only on one retired teacher assn., in accordance with my precarious future.

      Heck–I just might join that Skokie chapter, though, because they have a GREAT president, & I know that HE has been fighting to save our pensions.

      Sign me up, Fred, & let me know how much local dues are.

  2. Dear Wesley Heyduck, Linda Walcher, Bob Kaplan, Marge Houghland, Tim Brinker, Pearl Mack, David Bishop, Linda Stolt, Jane Nolan, Bob Haisman, Brian Mooberry, Allen Forys, Sandy Drafall, Mae Smith, Dottie Beeler, Terrry Waldron, Donald Gibb, Chuck Weishaupt, Chuck Starke, Melody Sexton, Sandra Horvath, Charlene Haley, Barbara Thielemann, Rita Stone, Jack Tucker, Elizabeth Kinser, Barb Gilhaus, Sara Kaufman and Gayla Dial:
    Who are you? Why should I vote for you?
    No, I really don’t know where you are on what issues. Please let me know.

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