Rahmageddon and the phony parent trigger.

If you check out the right side of my blog, you will find two different but related posts from two of my ed blogger colleagues.

JD2718 reposts from Schools Matter about California’s parent trigger.

The parent trigger is a dangerous new tactic by the Reformers intended to undermine public schools, teacher unions and parent choice. In a most cynical move, it is being done in the name of parental empowerment.

At least one of the ironies in this sad, though predictable, development among the corporate ed thugsters, is that the parents’ choices among the four school turnaround alternatives in Compton, or elsewhere, were derived from a select committee of insiders at Gates’s U. S. Dept. of Ed., and none of these turnaround alternatives has ever been voted on by publicly-elected officials, and all of them have zero empirical evidence to support them as better alternatives to the malignantly-neglected public schools.  And thus, a fake democratic action to offer a non-public choice for purchased parents.

This is happening in California. What does it have to do with the Chicago mayor’s race and Rahmageddon?

Tim Furman’s post on School Tech Connect makes the connection. Rahm wants to bring the parent trigger to Chicago.

Chicago mayoral candidate and former White House chief-of-staff Rahm Emanuel says he would support the idea (of a parent trigger) if elected as mayor of Chicago.

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