A weird week ends and weekend things to do.

Serial vote stealer Republican Kathy Nickolaus from Waukasha.

Cathie Black blames “outside forces” for her disastrous tenure as New York Chancellor.

I would love to take credit.

I’ll take credit for the demise of Michelle Rhee as DC school boss too. And Chicago’s Ron Huberman. If they all want to blame outside forces, I can be the one.

But it’s the policies, stupid.

In other weird week news, it seems that the Republican Party has stolen another election. Taking a page out of the Chicago Democratic Party’s play book, Waukasha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus says that three days after the election she forgot to count the 7,000 votes she discovered on her computer for pro-Walker Supreme Court justice David Prosser.

Nickolaus has previously been granted immunity from prosecution when she worked for the Republicans in the Wisconsin General Assembly as a data analyst.

Last year, it was discovered that she unplugged election results from the State system and instead stored them only on her personal computer, and then resisted an audit which found such conduct in violation of accepted practices.

Well, that sounds familiar.

Hey, wait. I just discovered 10,000 votes for JoAnne Kloppenburg, Prosser’s challenger, on my computer. Anybody have any more votes on their computer?

Calls for a Justice Department inquiry will now ensue.

Meanwhile, get the Saturday chores done early.

Oak Park retired teacher Glen Brown writes to say that Senator Don Harmon (a friend of unions and teachers) has invited  area legislators to his office to answer questions. Invited legislators include Senator Lightford (River Forest, Forest Park, south Oak Park), Representative Lilly (Oak Park north of Washington), Representative Ford (South Oak Park) , Representative Yarbrough (River Forests and Forest  Park), and others.

Glen says you don’t have to speak if you don’t want to. Just being there is good enough. But it is a chance to talk about our concerns for collective bargaining rights and pensions.

9:30 a.m – Coffee 10AM – meeting
The Community Room
Democratic Party of Oak Park
1243 Woodbine, Oak Park
North Avenue and Woodbine off the alley.

Then get on the el and head downtown. IEA members are joining with Unite Here members at the Hyatt Regency at noon. We will head over to the Daley Plaza for a labor solidarity rally at 1PM.

This culminates a week of nation-wide events honoring the life of Martin Luther King, showing solidarity with the public service union workers in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, Florida and elsewhere, who are locked in a battle for basic collective bargaining rights.

Join us.

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