Our own worst enemies.

I don’t know the Chicago teachers at the three schools who voted to waive their Collective Bargaining Agreement rights and take the Mayor’s offer for 90 extra minutes a day and what is essentially 2% less pay than they were contractually promised.

I don’t know if they are young or veteran teachers. I don’t know how much administrative pressure there was. Or how bad they need the job. Or if they think they are doing what’s best for their students.


They are wrong.

And if the Mayor succeeds in his attempt to bust the contract and the union. If he succeeds in driving a wedge between parents and teachers over this. Then those teachers will come to see how wrong they are.

I promise them that they will come to see it.

After nearly three decades doing this work, I can tell them that in the end they only have their union colleagues watching their backs.

Oh. There are good principals out there. And pro-teacher parents too. But parents are watching out for their own kids. And you can’t blame them for that.

We are watching out for all of ’em. And for each other.

Don’t have any doubts about Rahm’s intentions. This is not about the kids. This is about the union. And dividing teachers from teachers and teachers from parents.

I hate it when I see us acting as our own worst enemies.

Emanuel urges parents to demand longer school day – Chicago Sun-Times.

2 thoughts on “Our own worst enemies.

  1. Gimme three schools, Mr. Fred. I think here we have a clear case of the exception that proves the rule. Indeed, the scandalous fact that the Chicago Vocational School (CVS) brand hasn’t been sold to Walgreens yet, has the whole gang at Crain’s and the Lake Forest School of Management scratching their heads, with knitted brows, but as all the commie pinko mafiosos in the big bad nasty teachers unions know: it’s the internal contradiction that proves the dialectical.

  2. Scam 101

    People should not get so excited about this longer day improving
    Conditions it’s already doomed. I say this with complete confidence
    after 41 years of dealing with Board of Education scams.
    This is just another attempt to find a golden bullet to cure all
    the problems with our society. We have a political problem:
    The chaos of the crime ridden streets, which the powers to be are
    attempting to fix with an educational solution thus is born the
    full court press for a longer day.
    Extending the time a kid is in school seems to be a win win situation
    For politicians it should ,lower the crime rate in the city, get schools
    To finally and permanently serve three free meals a day, be a godsend to
    voting parents who will have more time for themselves. In other words this
    is designed to appease adults not improve students.
    Teachers will, as usual, be tasked with trying to administer this non program.
    The bribe money will be spent any way the LSC directs, usually hiring
    friends or somebody the alderperson sends over. Nothing will change
    on the education front, Good schools will remain good ,Bad schools will get worst.
    But I have my own idea for the money.
    This bribe money should be spent for web cam equipment for the children.
    Every parent must step up during this crisis and provide one hour per school night
    reading, or doing math with their students verifiable by the web cam.
    In this the parents can also get some skin in the game.

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