Small comfort.

President Obama announced the official end of the Second Iraq War yesterday.

He made no mention of it being a “dumb war,” as he did as an Illinois Senator in 2002.

Nobody mentioned the lies that led up to our invading a country that was no threat to our own.

The New York Times barely paid notice. No mention of their role in willfully repeating the weapons of mass destruction justification of the Bush administration, knowing it wasn’t true.

There was no mention of the cost of US and Iraqi lives. For what?

Nine years.

Colin Powell didn’t show up at the United Nations to say he was sorry for making all that shit up.

Thousands of non-combat troops remain along with private US contractors.

Reporters were too polite to mention Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo or the Patriot Act.

That war is over?

Small comfort.

5 thoughts on “Small comfort.

  1. The Iraqi government refused to grant immunity to US troops after the first of the year, leaving them open to prosecution in Iraqi courts. That is the reason Obama has pulled the troops home for Christmas. Thank God for democracy in Iraq.
    In the meantime, thousands of private contractors have been hired to provide security for the largest consulate in the region.

  2. I was thinking the same things as both of you. Just because our public troops are out doesn’t mean the mercenaries of Blackwater / Xe / Academi (all the same) have left. So the “war” is over, but the war isn’t.

  3. Simple. My friend & I were just discussing this at lunch. Halliburton & its subsidiaries have (are!) sure made (making) a pretty penny off this war.

    Oh, & Barnes & Noble has PLENTY of copies of Cheney’s book…at 50% off!!!!

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