Changing the narrative. And where are the administrators?

Administrators pensions are in TRS too. But they leave the heavy lifting to teachers. As usual.

A Twitter follower comments on the last post:

change the narrative to make this about children, and teachers’ pensions will be safe

I understand what she means. She’s is concerned that talking about teacher compensation needs to include something about being for the children or we will be branded as selfish. Of course, that after almost three decades of teaching I would have to declare my concern for students seems rather pathetic.

That is aside from the fact that every time I hear somebody say that what they are doing is for the children, something bad is about to happen.

With all due respect to my Twitter follower, I’ll stick with this narrative: A promise made must be a promise kept. Don’t mess with my TRS.

And something else while I’m here posting.

Over the past several years that we have fought hard to protect our promised pensions, where the hell have the administrators been?

Do they know that their pension is in TRS just like ours?

You never see a Type 75 at a meeting. None of them takes a day to join us lobbying in Springfield. No principal asks about emailing their state legislators. No assistant-superintendent-for-giving-teachers-some-useless-crap-to-do has every called about working with us to defend their pension. I mean, sending out emails is actually something they know how to do. Unless it involves a prompt response to a teacher’s question.

No. They leave the heavy lifting to us.

What else is new?

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