More lasts.

I’m having my morning coffee far from my Logan Square home on the last Friday of my last Spring break.


I checked the Internet for how things are going with my brothers and sisters in Rockford who walked out yesterday after trying to bargain for a year with their board of education.

It looks like they are still out today. I read that a couple of Tea Baggers tried to crash the picket line yesterday, but that the 2,000 members of the REA gave them a time out.

Take a minute and go to and send a message of support.

A few hundred miles south of Brooklyn teachers and parents are gathering in DC to Occupy the Department of Education.

Occupy the DOE represents those that are fed up with the Duncan and Obama policies of too much testing, competitive grants like Race to the Top and top-down accountability schemes.

I’m spending these last fee days of Spring break with my kids, kid-partners, grand kids and their aunt, uncle and cousins. So I won’t be in DC.

But in July I will.

As a delegate to the National Education Association’s yearly national meeting, the Representative Assembly.

If you will be a delegate too, send me a message.

Let’s talk.

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