4 thoughts on “Karen Lewis at the May 23rd Rally. This is what a real teachers’ union looks like.

  1. Glad for them, but this really hurts. I was in Springfield yesterday, & was able to park in the lot across from the IEA after I’d flashed the back of my red (“My pension, I paid. You promised.”) shirt, ’cause it says “Region 36 IEA” on the back. (Thanks, Fred!) As I’m retired & no longer belong to IEA (although, of course, I paid dues for 34 years {I worked in an IFT district for a year.}), they may not have let us park there, as the woman was suspicious when I asked (before I flashed). So–yesterday–we were quite impressed w/IFT President Dan Montgomery’s speech to the House Committee–spirited, forceful, well-worded & to the point. Also–good inflection. Cinda Klickna’s? Not so much.
    As aforementioned, I no longer belong to the IEA/NEA (& sure won’t be joining NEA-R anytime soon!), but–as the saying goes–I paid my dues. Yesterday I asked, yet again in as many years, for what?
    If I were active & a member, I would be planning to organize my local to vote & to decide if they want to continue to be IEA/NEA affiliated, or if they’d want to join IFT/AFT. This is not union busting, by the way–we’re lucky there’s another one from which to choose.
    And, remember, in numbers there is strength–131,000 from IEA + 103,000 from IFT (#s given yesterday by Dan & Cinda)= 234,000.

    Imagine 234,000 in red t-shirts in front of the state capitol! Just like CTU–only better!

  2. I have found the NEA to be too collaborative with our management. I used to say “in WWII they shot collaborators”. To compromise is one thing, to collaborate is different.

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