What do we say to leadership that would rather surrender than lose a fight?

Talking to IEA Presdient Cinda Klickna can be just depressing. That’s why I don’t do it very often.

Her sentences are long excuses for surrender.

Diane Ravitch recently wrote a blog piece about the stunning 98% yes vote of Chicago teachers to a resolution for strike authorization.

Someone wrote to her and asked, “Yes. But what if they lose?”

Apologies to Professor Ravitch for reprinting her entire response. I want to make it easier for Cinda to read it. It is written about the CTU. But it could just as easily be about the IEA.

A reader asked an important question in response to my blog about the Chicago Teachers Union decision to authorize a strike: What if they strike and they lose? What if Mayor Emanuel fires them all and replaces them with TFA? Won’t it prove that striking is futile? Won’t unions everywhere lose heart?

I responded that the mayor might prevail. He might keep the schools closed and hammer the union into submission. Could he replace 25,000 striking teachers with scabs? There are not enough TFA teachers minted every year to do that (TFA sends out fewer than 10,000 per year). Even if he did hire TFA, he would have a completely green workforce with constant turnover. I wonder how TFA corps members would feel about being used as strike breakers.

Emanuel could surely fill the empty jobs with teachers who have been fired or laid off elsewhere. There is a large pool of them. He would surely have a teaching force filled not with creativity and passion for their work, but with fear and timidity.

What happened in Chicago was not about winning. Winning is never certain. And there is nothing good about losing.

What matters is that the teachers of Chicago said “enough is enough.” They could have remained silent. They could have avoided the confrontation. They could just accept whatever is done to them. But they said no. They said they could not be bullied any more.

And it is true that they might lose. But there comes a time when a person must assert his or her dignity. There comes a time when people take risks for what they believe in their heart is right. This is that time.

Posted in IEA

10 thoughts on “What do we say to leadership that would rather surrender than lose a fight?

  1. Hey Fred,
    Love the blog! My district ended the year without a contract. The board has said it might be time to get some new blood. I have been with my district for 20 years. I think I might be one of the ones the board might like to fire if we strike….and make it permanent. What do you advise, think, suggest? I have to have a job. I don’t have a spouse to fall back on.

    1. Buddy,
      Thanks for your comments about my blog. The district I just retired from is also in negotiations with our Association over a new Collective Bargaining Agreement. I assume you are working with a union staff person in the negotiating process and I wouldn’t presume to advise you without being there and knowing the specifics. But I know this: The board will always throw that, “we need new blood” shit around during negotiations. Firing teachers during a legal strike is illegal. Firing teachers because of their age is illegal. Of course, just because something is against the law, doesn’t mean they won’t try. But a strong, united local Association is your best defense.

  2. Dennis Van Roekel our NEA president is no better. I was part of a tele townhall last night for RA delegates and someone asked him if NEA was going to take a stand on Obama dumping Arne Duncan. Van Roekel replied that we aren’t going to tell Obama what to do any more than he would tell us what to do (paraphrasing). HUH???????

  3. Hey Fred, Thanks for the reply to my old blood question. Can you clarify one more question? I read on line that employers can’t fire strikers who are out on the line due to unfair labor practices, but they can fire workers who are striking for economic reasons. How can my local and IEA defend me then? Thanks a million!

    1. Again, Buddy, you should consult with your UD. But labor law protects teachers who are involved in a legal strike.

    1. Isn’t Dennis up for reelection at the RA? Maybe we need to initiate a write-in campaign for another candidate to send a message.

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