Tell Speaker Madigan on Friday: You must talk to the unions to find real pension solutions.


There is no question that Michael Madigan is a rich and powerful man.

He is Chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party.

He is Speaker of that motley bunch we call members of the Illinois House.

But does he have the power to ignore the leaders of the state’s public employee unions when talking about our pensions, the Illinois Constitution and contractual obligations?

Or will there be consequences? Can there be a real solution without talking to the unions?

Last week, reacting to the request of the We Are One coalition, the state’s public employee unions, to meet this month at a pension summit in Burr Ridge, Speaker Madigan answered with a drop dead response.

Grass roots pension activists, bloggers and others are asking that you contact Speaker Madigan and your state representatives and state senators with a flood of emails and phone calls all on one day: Friday, February 8th.

Over 4,000 of you have responded after two weeks to the grass-roots petition calling for a constitutional solution.

This week our message is just as  plain and simple: You must talk to the unions to find real pension solutions.

Rep. Michael J. Madigan

22nd DistrictDistrict Office
6500 South Pulaski Road
Chicago, IL 60629
(773) 581-8000
(773) 581-9414 (fax)
Capitol Office 
300 State House
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-5350

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