The election politics of pension reform.


Rich Miller’s column in the Southtown Star is interesting, if only to those of us who spend too much time speculating on politics and elections.

Particularly pension politics.

Miller reports that current polling shows Lisa Madigan trouncing Pat Quinn in a Democratic gubernatorial primary.

Quinn is in a dead heat with banker and perpetual subject of political speculation, Bill Daley.

Quinn’s perilous position is tied to his skill at antagonizing every state public employee union, state retiree and future retiree.

That’s a huge voting demographic.

But Lisa’s last name will not serve her well with that base either.

Her daddy’s drop dead letter to the state’s union leaders will reflect on her as time goes on.

Insiders suspect that she will see the writing on the wall and cut a deal with Quinn to take the Durbin seat when he steps down.

That leaves the door to the governor’s office open to a Republican.

Not some crazy Tea Partier like Brady. Maybe one who has ties to the Republicrat in Chicago City Hall.

Chicago Democratic mayors have always been happier with business Republican governors like Thompson and Edgar than Democratic ones like Blago and Quinn.

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