Quality journalism?

IEA’s Charlie McBarron is worried that the Trib might be bought by the Koch brothers and turned into an anti-union, anti-teacher rag. Nobody wants the Koch brothers to have more power, but they wouldn’t have to make many changes to the current Trib if they bought it in order to make it more to their liking.

“Karen Lewis should step down as president of the Chicago Teachers Union.” – Chicago Tribune’s Eric Zorn

“In any big wrangle about school reform, teachers unions start at a disadvantage: They don’t speak for the children.” – Eric Zorn

Speaking about the CTU and school closings: ‘As long as we’re playing ‘Let’s Pretend,’ let’s also pretend lobbing accusations of racism is an effective negotiating gambit and a good lever to pull if you want to move public opinion toward your side.” -Eric Zorn

In an exchange with Glen Brown: “My view, which is based neither on case law nor an educated analysis of Constitutional intent, is that future pension benefits based on future service ought to be as re-negotiable as is future salary based on future service.” – Eric Zorn

“But when Zell got out of the Trib last year, some of us decided to give the paper another chance. Frankly, there aren’t that many alternatives and the Trib continues to employee quality journalists like columnists Eric Zorn and Mary Schmich and statehouse bureau chief Ray Long.” – IEA Communications

Posted in IEA

6 thoughts on “Quality journalism?

  1. As usual this guy is bought and sold to promote the corporatist agenda. Who is getting ready to by the Tribune which includes the Chicago Tribune and the L.A. Times well it is the Koch Brothers that is who. And if you want a job you had better do their bidding and they hate unions and that means Karen Lewis and CTU as they are the antithesis of them and their rape of the world not just the U.S. Too many reporters have told us in private that if they write the good stories they will never work as a reporter anywhere ever again. We just saw one who told us that terminated on a situation other than education. The rules are the same no matter the subject if they do not want that kind of reporting done. Bill Clinton did this to us. Democrats wake up your party has been taken over by the right wing just like the republicans. They are the same people are now running both parties. There is no more anti trust even though it is still the law and was passed at the turn of the last century for the same reasons we have right now and that is the “Golden Class of Robber Barons.” We are now in actuality a “FASCIST” country. Fascism is a political condition in which corporations rule all including the government. This was phrased in the early 20’s as a result of Mussolini in Italy. In 1919 Siepel in Austria began turning Austria into a fascist country which has lasted for more than 90 years. This is the plan being run here. Just read “Hapsburgs to Hitler” if you want to “Know the Rest of the Story.”

  2. “Stand by the union no matter what” ends with these people. Judas looks good in comparison to IEA Communications’ people.
    What is their 2013 equivalent of 30 pieces of silver?

  3. The frightening thing is, Eric is probably the most reasonable person in the Tribune building when it comes to education. In typical Eric fashion, he’s trying to remain “neutral” and “open minded”. Nevermind that the evidence is deep enough to swim in that CPS is outright lying about nearly everything (actually, strike the “nearly”), somehow there’s some kind of equivalence (in his mind) between Rahm’s “heavy-handed tactics” and CTU’s “militant reaction”. I’m betting he’s the kind of parent who yells at both kids to stop “squabbling” even when one kid is clearly the perpetrator/provacateur.

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