The in box. “Teachers are tired of losing.”

Cinda and the IEA Team

First off–thank you for representing us at the Daily Herald/Reboot IL pension forum.

The rumors that IEA is negotiating with Cullerton has teachers scared.  I am an active teacher in the 3rd largest district in the state and I can tell you that teachers do not seem happy that their constitutionally protected pensions are rumored to be potentially bargained away at the table.  The purpose of this email is simply to share with you the feedback I have been receiving.  Although I have no idea who the five people are who responded on the IEA website (mentioned below), their words, feelings, and position are exactly what I have been receiving.

Teacher are tired of losing.  With the passing of PERA and SB7, teachers are feeling deflated.  With PERA and SB7, we did not have protections; we did not have constitutional rights to protect us.

But we do with our pensions.  We have one of the strongest pension clauses in the country.

Teachers want to know–why are we at the table?  We are ready to fight this one.

Here are responses on the IEA website–these comments couldn’t have better summed up the recent chatter amongst both actives and retirees.

Dan M
“I’d much rather take my chances on any or all of the “pension reform” (oh how I loathe those words!!) measures being proposed than to hand another dime of my salary to help fund an even bigger mess!…Stop selling me out!!!”

Terry W
“Will members find out what “we” are agreeing to AFTER the fact? As a retiree I feel that because of the State Constitution my benefits are protected.”

Debi K
“I hope membership is given the opportunity to review any proposed ‘deals’.  …afraid of what might get shoved down our throats.”

Andrew S.
“I simply do not understand what you are negotiating. Any legislation that diminishes pension benefits for current active, inactive or retired employees is clearly and unequivocally unconstitutional. It makes no difference whether you agree to it or not. I do not belong to your union, you do not represent me, and if my benefit is diminished in any way I will sue!”

Kevin M.
“Glad to see we’re going to cut and run again instead of fighting.”

I believe in the IEA.  Teachers need the IEA more than ever.  We can’t afford to not be strong.  As usual, my colleagues and I will be at Lobby Day.  However, teachers don’t want to give up what they feel is legally theirs–especially after salary freezes, RIFs, cut stipends, PERA, SB7, etc.

I look forward to hearing from you.

–Todd Mertz

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