The in box. IEA leadership cheerleaders. Bzzzzzzzzrrtttttttttttttttttfpt!!!!!!




Bob Haisman, Ken Swanson, and the whole IEA Cheerleading Squad emphasize that SB2404 is the best of all possible worlds because the elected Illinois Supreme Court members are – in realpolitik terms – in the pockets of party bosses.

Therefore, the Illinois Supremes would never declare SB1 as unconstitutional – never, cannot happen.

Now cheerleader Tully tells us that we little people will be safe because “SB 2404 has language mandating the state pay the systems, and allowing the systems to sue if the state doesn’t pay.”

Permission to sue.

Permission to go to the Illinois Supremes?


My brain keeps getting these signals emitted from the Propaganda battery and the electrodes strapped to my collective scalp by the cheerleading squad.


Posted in IEA

7 thoughts on “The in box. IEA leadership cheerleaders. Bzzzzzzzzrrtttttttttttttttttfpt!!!!!!

  1. KEN……Ya’ know the IEA “can’t do anything right” squad has had a run at dominating the Pension-Blogger fro a while. Three of us have had enough but a few “balancing” comments in and we are a cheer-leading squad!? Ken that must mean you guys were part of a “Tear-Down-the-IEA” Cheer-Leading School!

    But you are Right Ken –I’m a unapologetic IEA supporter and cheerleader. I plead guilty to what many of you would consider High Crimes and Misdemeanors – Treason ! An impeachable offense!

    Your arguments are really laced with extreme renditions of statements we might of made — I don’t know much about supreme court except my experience dictates against feeling like a favorable ruling is a sure thing! My point was You go to court its a roll of the dice, it takes a inordinate amount of time , and its expensive.

    I think Tully is right!! One of the positives of SB2024 is that it gives us the “right to sue” for lack of funding. The IEA sued on the funding issue TWICE — 1980s and 1990s — we lost both cases ( big bucks, lots of work, long drawn out) because we did not have the Right to sue! In so many words! This clears That issue up! Say what you want Ken -that is a Victory for every teacher in the system!

    .” In addition, written into the bill is language that forces the state to fund the pensions, something they have not been required to do before, and makes that requirement a constitutional obligation.”

    I really don’t think I’m a propagandist Ken But I’m an IEA Cheerleader! Bob haisman

    1. I haven’t limited anybody’s access to the comment section. If critics of IEA leadership have dominated it is because it is they who have posted and commented. You, Bob, have certainly had ample opportunity to post. And of course, the IEA leadership has their website paid for with our dues. That the IEA website is not viewed as an open forum by many members is hardly our fault. Although critics of this deal seem to be plentiful over there too.

      The labeling of members who disagree with this deal as anti-union has a smelly odor to it. The accusation that the members of the IEA who disagree with you and the leadership are anti-union and anti-IEA is a very cheap shot – typical of political demagogues.

      What’s next? An enemies list?

      1. Dear Fred. You’ll accuse me of splitting hairs. I don’t think I ever (maybe I did and you have every right to dig out my quote if I did) used “Anti-Union” to describe opponents of IEA or SB2404. I have used “Anti-IEA” — I plead quilty. However have you read the comments your Blogs seem to engender? Really Fred? Maybe I’m just over sensitive? Maybe It’s just my ox being gored.

        Perhaps it is just my perception …..but have you in the last three and a half years “liked” ANYTHING — the central IEA leadership team has done? Really Fred? The cartoons and characterizations of Cinda Klickna? The lampooning of Ken Swanson? Your treatment of hardworking dedicated staff???

        I know…I know its a only a matter of time before I will be sliced and diced with the Klonsky word scalpel for saying what I think. For having the audacity to come to the defense of Cinda and Ken and the IEA. For sticking up for IEA staff. For having the nerve to offer an opposing thought to the great OZ.

        Do I engage in Cheap shots. Probably. Mr. Brown has admonished me for that and a multitude of logical and rhetorical sins. I promise to try and do better. However in my mind I’m just holding up a mirror to a long standing tradition of IEA bashing.

        Demagoguery? Really Fred? You want to accuse me of demagoguery? Really? I don’t think that is what I’m doing. But then again I not saying every thing IEA does is wrong, stupid or Ill-conceived so I’m sure I will come under fire. Oh Well….

      2. I made fun of leaders? I was not a Social Studies teacher. But I thought the lampooning (including drawing unfavorable cartoons) of the dumb actions of leaders was an American democratic tradition. As for the dedicated staff, I assume you mean Communications Director Charlie McBarron. And really, he’s pretty fair game too.

        Or are we all suppose to bow and genuflect?

  2. “The IEA sued on the funding issue TWICE — 1980s and 1990s — we lost both cases ( big bucks, lots of work, long drawn out) because we did not have the Right to sue”:

    I know of one case, Bob, where the IFT sued in 1975 (People ex. Rel. Illinois Federation of Teachers v. Lindberg). I am not aware that IEA sued the state.

    There are two other cases, but I believe the IEA wasn’t involved: McNamee v. State (1996) and People ex. Rel. Sklodowski v. State (1998).

    Bob, I am interested. Please forward me this information.

    1. Actually IEA and IFT because of the cost involved each “took one” . As I remember it ….IFT took the first case in 1970’s (Lindberg — People ex rel. Illinois Federation of Teachers v. Lindberg, 60 Ill. 2d 266, 326 N.E. 2d 749 (1975). )that was resolved in early 1980s.They lost.

      And then — People ex rel. Sklodowski v. State, 182 Ill. 2d 220, 695 N.E. 2d 374.
      WE (IEA) were involved — Skoldowski and 5-6 others, as I remember it, were all IEA members from TRS and SURs . We lost.

      There are was also another relevant Illinois Supreme Court decision: McNamee v. State, 173 Ill. 2d, 672 N.E. 2d 1159 (1996) that I think IFT and IEA both helped with. This was lost.

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