“Good morning Senator Martinez. Vote no.” UPDATE.

I interrupted my coffee long enough to place another call to my State Senator, Democrat Iris Martinez.

These calls have gotten easier now that there are 48 hours left in the state legislative session.

Unlike some of my friends, I don’t get tired of this. It’s part of my morning routine. Shower. Dress. Walk the dog. Pour some coffee. Call Senator Martinez or Representative Toni Berrios. Or both.

At 7AM Senator Martinez wasn’t in the office yet.

I left a message.

Good morning Senator Martinez! This is Fred Klonsky.” And I left my phone number. “As you know, I am a thirty-year school teacher, now retired. I’m calling again to tell you to vote no on any bill that diminishes or impairs our constitutionally protected and contractual employee pensions, including SB1, SB2404, HB1154, HB1165 or HB1166.”

The last three bill numbers I had to write down.

They’re new.

They cropped up yesterday in what is clearly a last minute desperate attempt to make the bond markets happy and quiet the Tribune editorial board.

Although they are a desperate move, they are no less illegal. Or dangerous.

If there is a good side to them, it is that they are so bad that if passed they would drive all the interested parties, all the member unions of We Are One as well as the Illinois Retired Teachers Association together, on the same side with their lawyers standing together in court. Not calling each other names but focusing on the real enemy.

The authoritative Jim Broadway of the State School News Service still thinks nothing will pass.

I agree.

But as I always say, nobody is safe as long as the Illinois General Assembly is in session.

Pour a cup of coffee.

Make the call.

Update: It occurred to me as a reread this post that when I talked about the We Are One coalition and the IRTA I made no distinction between them. This would be wrong. I believe the IRTA has stuck to the principles of  constitutionality, financial stability and fairness to retirees. That was their charge from the start and they remained true to it.

There will be plenty of time to analyze the tactics and strategy of the state’s public employee unions after tomorrow. No need to go into it here and now. Although it no secret to readers of this blog that I believe they were in error.

But as of 4PM Thursday it does not appear as if SB2404 will see the light of day in Madigan’s House and all efforts should be directed at defeating SB1 or any of its mini-me bills in the Senate.

2 thoughts on ““Good morning Senator Martinez. Vote no.” UPDATE.

  1. Fred, Thanks for the detailed message to legislators. I quoted your message and bill numbers, adding “Please honor your oath of office to uphold the Illinois constitution.” I contacted my representative as well, as Rep. Kay ignored his oath when he voted for SB1. I thought my reminder about the oath he took might help him redeem himself on the next vote.

  2. Retired corrections here. I called my rep and senator about SB1, SB2404 AND HB 1154, HB 1165 and HB1166 and told them both to vote no on every single bill. Also about HB 212 amendment 2 which concerns a back wage supplemental which Madigan is not bringing to a committee vote. In case anyone is interested and doesn’t have this phone number, Madigan’s office in Springfield can be reach at 217-782-5350.

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