Shut up and go to bed.

Who is Melinda Anderson?

On Twitter she describes herself as writer for @NEAPresident.

On her blog she is described as “the creative force behind opinion-editorials, blogs and articles on behalf of a great cause. Ghostwriting pays the bills, but makes it easy to get lost in the shadows. An oversized ego told her it’s time to elevate her own voice. She is a bundle of contradictions. Cynical and hopeful, radical and traditional, swiftly descending from the sublime to the ridiculous. Cheatsheet for comments: ‘With all due respect…’ means ‘bless your heart, but you’re dead wrong, and I’m about to point it out to you.'”

Last night her oversized ego may have gotten the best of her. She went on Twitter to claim that my post about NEA President Dennis Van Roekel’s talk at the Retired Conference was wrong because, well, I reported what I heard him say when I should have found out what he meant to say.

Okay. That’s just silly.

However, his speech addressed  important issues about how aggressively the NEA would pursue collective bargaining in the face of losses in states like Michigan and Wisconsin. And it involved what my union’s stand on Common Core and standards should be.

The NEA is proud to call its Representative Assembly the largest deliberative body in the world. It is nothing if it is not democratic (with a small “d”). I was sent here, elected to be one of nine retired delegates out of 25 who ran statewide in Illinois, to debate and take part in the determination of NEA policy.

The troubling thing was her final Tweet:

“Pls spare me your histrionics. I have six long days of work ahead of me. I’m going to bed. Suggest you do same. Wake up sharper.”

She accused me of having an agenda.

Which I do.

Perhaps her ghostwriting for President Van Roekel keeps her in the shadows (and pays the bills). But being a delegate to the RA is a different matter. I was sent to represent those retirees back in Illinois who elected me based on my views of NEA policy.

To have an agenda.

My agenda is no secret. I write about it every day. It is why I was elected.

Believe me when I say I wasn’t elected for my good looks.

Now, my skin is thick and my back is strong, and those who read my blog know I have a sense of humor about most things.

But I just don’t think a staff ghostwriter who is not a member of the NEA – but is paid by us – ought to be telling delegates to shut up and go to bed.

Although I did.

Go to bed.

15 thoughts on “Shut up and go to bed.

  1. Thanks for sharing what you heard. It is frightening to think that my union leadership doesn’t see the importance of fighting hard to maintain our rights to unionize etc. the assault on teachers’ salaries and benefits in those states that have lost those rights have been staggering.

    We have always fought for quality education. But many organizations can fight for the Common Core. Only unions are going to battle to maintain our salaries, benefits, and the work conditions that are fundamental to providing a quality education. If our leadership believes we should abdicate that role, then we need new leadership.

  2. Again I thank you for your dedication and hard work. I take that back. You are a person of high values and morals that lives by them and acts on them as he goes about his day. You sir are a rare individual evident more so when you come across someone like Ms. Anderson and her ilk.

  3. “Pls spare me your histrionics. I have six long days of work ahead of me. I’m going to bed. Suggest you do same. Wake up sharper.”

    She’s telling you to spare her the histrionics? Classic case of projection.

    Why is this person telling you how to interpret remarks you heard in person? What is going on with our association? Crap like this makes me want to cancel my membership.

  4. “…Unions, organizations formerly steeped in the doctrine of class struggle and filled with those who sought broad social and political rights for the working class, have been transformed into domesticated partners of the capitalist class. They have been reduced to simple bartering tools. The social demands of unions early in the twentieth century that gave the working class weekends off, the right to strike, the eight-hour day, and Social Security have been abandoned” (Chris Hedges). This accession needs our urgent attention.

    Fred, if you ever consider running for president of any union, I want to be one of your campaign managers!

  5. Glen, nicely said indeed. Fred, I realize that when you spelled Illinois with a double s it was a typo, but when you use ‘its’ in a possessive there is no apostrophe(and I really have an issue about misused apostrophes, and other things). It seems to me that it’s important that typos are caught and corrected because opposition will pounce on anything to say you’re wrong. By-the-way, I am not opposition. I thank you for and enjoy your blogs.

    1. You are absolutely right BMMB. Before I hit publish I do a computer spell check. Then I proof read it three times. But I write this blog alone and those kinds of errors do get by. I read it one more time after publishing it. Sometimes I find another mistake and correct it. This was true with “Illinoiss”. But if it is published, the error will remain unless you refresh it. I recognize your concern. And thanks for catching the the extra apostrophe. It’s gone now.

  6. What is this Russia? Funny how staff seems to think they can dictate to the dues paying members of the NEA. Either way, if you came here without an agenda, this goes for all 9500 school personnel here in Atlanta then you came unprepared and to the wrong place.

  7. Thanks for your advocacy Fred…The truth hurts! Some people just “can’t handle the truth”!
    Not all of us are sheep, many have questions and want to know where the sheep herder is going and how we will get there. There are dancers and there are drummers…You, I and a host of others won’t just dance to the music. You have thousands of supporters Fred so keep up the good work.

    In closing.. I don’t think DVR or Ms. Anderson would really want you to be any “sharper”

  8. Please tell her to shut up. And look for new work. 😛
    With friends like that who needs enemies??

  9. Obviously, Melinda did not do well in school. She needs a history lesson about Mother Jones and the labor movement. If any of my dues go to Melinda, I should be able to fire her for stupidity and gross incompetence! Thank you, Fred, for being articulate and having an agenda! I expect no less from the professional you are! I am for the members taking back our union. You have my vote for president.

  10. Rock on, Fred! Thanks for revealing this Melissa character who let her ego get the best of her. Most ghostwriters REMAIN in the shadows, but Melissa couldn’t stand staying in the shadows. So the NEA needs ghostwriters, rather metaphoric for the shill organization it really is.

  11. Go, Fred, go! And–more than a million thanks! You’re the reason (well, one of them–I can be dramatic, too) I joined IEA-R–to vote for you (& Jack Tucker, as well–GREAT drawing)–because you truly represent us (unlike our legislators, but don’t get me started), & are fearless, always speaking truth to power. It’s an honor to have you as a delegate.
    P.S.–Speaking of legislators, everyone has been trying to confirm the July 3rd Committee of 10 Meeting–is it at the same time, same place as the 6/27 meeting? Also, Ralph Martire is testifying, correct? If this is the case, all Chicago-area retirees reading this please make EVERY effort to attend, as it’s so sneaky for them to meet the day before a major holiday, when so many of us will be busy or out-of-town. (That having been said, I’ll be there!)

  12. Do what she says…wake up even sharper..even more wide eyed, even more determined to discuss teacher evaluations which are impossible goals to achieve so it’s really..who cheaper..and wake up louder and more aware. I was ALSO elected to go but not near retirement. My father has cancer, had cancer surgery Tues..painful…two days later I arrived to visit and he was having a heart attack so then had a triple bypass. Common Core has given Goals that are NOT age appropriate. Have they read them? taught them? They want to be in with ARNE. Arne, mr charter schools, longer days, longer years. by May the kids and teachers are exhausted and NOW with Illinois new LAW that says attendance can be used AGAINST you in evaluation..I can’t visit my father during his heart surgery/cancer surgery recooperation or drive him to appointments come August because “attendance will/and can be used against me”…even though I have 175 sick days to use..district still every sick day used against us. New teacher eval says YOU must to things outside the school day. Well, I’d like to make dinner for my parents both who now cannot drive but to keep my job according to the new evaluation system which IEA endorsed, I must work beyond the contract day..doesn’t matter they have us writing curriculum and have no aides, teach our own tech and rti with no “research based curriculum” to use. Instead they told us to plan it ourselves to I work 8-8 most days at work. Wake up LOUD FOR ME who could NOT attend as a delegate!! THANK YOU!!!!! Kathleen

  13. I think it’s very sad that DVR is unable to write his own speeches. I would also like to know how much (of OUR dues money!!!) is spent on this Melinda person. Insofar as her advice to you, it’s apparent that she’s the one who needs to go to bed–she’s not the sharpest knife in the cutlery set, given the facts that- a. she’s revealed to everyone that her boss even needs a ghostwriter, and-b. she can’t even interpret what her own writing means, yet criticizes Fred.
    Shame on you, Dennis! We–the NEA members–pay your salary, and we’re NOT getting our money’s worth.

  14. I noticed the comments last night. It seems to “Melinda” had an agenda – she’s using very familiar ed reformer tactics, elements of their often used narrative. So she calls herself a ghost-writer, and who knows who she has as clients. The best response to this kind of troll-like activity in this case is to document it, just as you have done here, and ignore her on a one-to-one. Her goal was to be disruptive, by going personal….what was the topic she did not want to see discussed?

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