Sunday reads.


Birthplace of the Reverend Matin Luther King, Jr., Atlanta, Georgia.

Trayvon Martin was one of the few guys who didn’t tease Rachel Jeantel.

The rich are not like the rest of us. Because, well, they’re rich.

The NSA knows everything about you. But if you try to find out what corporations and the government are up to, crickets.

It is easier and more expedient for politicians and naysayers in general, to attack schools–their costs, their teachers, their calendar, their curriculum–rather than address the root cause of the discrepancies–multi-generational systemic poverty.

Reformers win the DC union leadership election.

Chicago rising!

The jobs report is pretty decent, actually. Of course, it could have been better if our political elites cared about things like, you know, jobs.

Mayor Rahm promises safe passage for kids who once went to the schools he closed.

Now, I’m flying home.

2 thoughts on “Sunday reads.

  1. Wow! I checked the link on the Washington Teachers Union…some serious problems going on. There are over 3000 in membership, but only 839 ballots were cast. This was for a runoff after only 444 ballots were cast in the June election. The link below tells howthe election may have been a stealth op to keep the status quo in power. shows how importantbit is to keep informed outside of what the union tells us!

  2. Maybe it’s just me, but the Trayvon Martin link doesn’t seem to be working.

    As for the Perlstein link, I’d advise against reading the comments, unless you have a high tolerance for ignorance and racism.

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