A war on charters?


Bill de Blasio ran for mayor of New York with a promise that if he is elected, New York’s charter schools will have to pay their own way.

No more free rides at the cost of neighborhood public schools.

He got elected. He’s trying to carry out the promise. Weird, right? A politician tries to carry out a campaign promise.

Now he’s getting slapped around by Democratic Party Governor Cuomo and the boys from DFER.

And the Chicago Tribune.

The Trib calls it part of the War on Charters. 

I wish.

For over ten years there has been a war on neighborhood public schools with greased rails for every Springfield and fifth floor connected made-guy charter operator with taxpayer handouts from the state.

Like Chicago’s United Neighborhood Organization.

The Trib points to the bill that dissolves the Illinois Charter Commission as the local battle in the War on Charters.

The Commission was established under the radar two years ago. It gives them the right to over rule a local school board if the board decides against authorizing a charter operator.

The bill to dissolve the Commission is sponsored by Representative Linda Chapa LaVia. It has been voted out of legislative committee and will soon be passed, I hope, by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor.

Now the editors at the Tribune, which never wanted a full public debate on charter schools before – which supports a Commission that is the embodiment of no-debate politics – wants a debate on charters.

In New York, they had that debate. It was called an election campaign and de Blasio won.

But I’m all for having that debate here too.

5 thoughts on “A war on charters?

  1. The voting begins, as voters throw bricks against Rauner’s tank. ….clank…..clank….CLANK!!! as I throw my brick extra hard. The tank pauses, the machine gun spins around, and the red laser dot shines on my forehead. The loudspeaker says “quite a powerful throw, I am impressed. My facial recognition software tells me you are a public retiree. After I make pensions taxable you are going to need a part time job. I could use a good strong guy like you to do the heavy lifting at the nursing homes. Those nurses keep hurting their backs lifting bodies out of stairwells and off of floors. That runs up my workers comp cost. Instead of being able to toss those nurses out like used diapers, I actually have to pay for their medical costs! My workers comp reform will put a stop to that. So think about it, after I roll back minimum wage, I will call you.” The tank then proceeds on it’s way.

    I wake up and think, did I wake up from a nightmare, or did I wake up to an even worse living nightmare? Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference.

    1. They’re called daymares, Anon, because, yes, they are really happening, and on a daily basis.
      I’d prefer the nightmares, but we won’t be going back to those anytime soon unless we pushback. And THAT’S what “good, strong guy(s) like you” need to do. NOW.

  2. My wife and I, along with several family members, long time democrats crossed over and voted against Rauner. I don’t like Dillard, but I hate hate hate HATE(!!!!!!!!!!!!) Rauner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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