Dancing with Christian Mitchell.


We headed over to the Hideout last night for Joravsky and Dumke Second Tuesdays.

The panelists were my rep-elect Will Guzzardi, AFSCME lobbyist Adrienne Alexander and pension thief State Rep Christian Mitchell.

Mitchell was why I wanted to go.

I think we should confront these guys every time they show their faces.

Which reminds me. Our retired SORE members will be at a Town Hall with State Reps Robyn Gabel, Laura Fine and State Senator Dan Biss on Tuesday, June 10 from 7:00-8:30 PM. North Shore Senior Center, 161 Northfield Rd in Northfield.

No need to remind any readers that all three were pension thieves.

“Even Lisa Madigan – when she argued  before Judge Belz on the matter of the injunction to SB1 admitted that the bill violated the pension protection clause and was forced to argue that the state had police power to steal our pension,” I asked Mitchell during the Q&A section of the show. “But the Illinois constitution aside for the moment, what about the moral covenant you made with the one-third of your district that are public employees?”

Mitchell responded.

“Well Klonsky. What did you think I was going to do when I was promised – and received – tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, Speaker Mike Madigan, Stand for Children, Democrats for Education Reform and Eli Broad. Moral covenant? I can’t even get my head to wrap around that concept. They all told me to vote for pension theft. So I did.”

Actually he didn’t say any of that.

Instead he turned into Fred Astaire and began to dance. I didn’t tape it, but his explanation began with about how the state would implode and ended with the election of Bruce Rauner.

So, apparently for Christian Mitchell our pensions were nothing more than a campaign contribution to Pat Quinn.


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