Arthur Goldstein. Tenure for good apples too.


– Arthur Goldstein is a New York teacher and UFT Chapter Leader at Francis Lewis High School. This column appeared in the New York Daily News.

Every day, it seems, I read about a new lawsuit to do away with teacher tenure. The crusade reminds me of my friend Harris Lirtzman. It’s because of tenure that I teach and he doesn’t.

Harry used to be a deputy New York State controller until, in 2009, he decided to become a math teacher of special-education students in the Bronx.

He offered experience and a depth of understanding few could match — but his discerning eye proved to be his downfall.

He studied the kids’ Individualized Education Programs, the documents that state what services special-education students require, and discovered that many were being underserved, possibly to save on school expenses.

Harry began asking questions — and learned exactly how unwelcome they were when, in December 2011, he was denied tenure.

Harry now tutors at-risk students in Yonkers. If he’d had tenure, he’d still be helping city public school kids.

Without tenure, I’d probably be in Harry’s place. I teach English as a second language, usually to beginners, at Francis Lewis High School in Fresh Meadows, Queens.

Read the entire article here.

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