Comcast. T-shirts. Two million blog hits. Ten minute drawings. August.


Count on Comcast.

That’s my internet provider.

Don’t ask me why. It has something to do with me not ever wanting to talk to customer service.

Even to close my account.

About an hour before I reached two million site visits this afternoon my Comcast connection went down. And it just came back a few minutes ago.

During that time is when my blog reached two million site visits.

It was like Heidi at a Jet’s game.

Glen had emailed me earlier, telling me I should post something significant for the moment.

But that was not to be.

I also must inform you that according to my records, nobody picked July 31st as the date we would hit two million.

So, unless my records are wrong, nobody wins a t-shirt.

That’s what happens when you underestimate me.

Since my arm will remain in a cast for some more days, keep those ten minute drawings coming. Even if they take you longer than ten minutes. It will help you appreciate what I do here.

And Jose Vilson. Don’t let the critics get to you. Your drawing was fine. As I used to tell my art students: practice, practice practice.

As for something significant.

Here is something significant.

We start August, 2014 with two million visitors to my blog.

A retired teacher just looking at the data.

But by the end of August, 2014 everyone who is planning to run for Mayor of Chicago will have announced and petitions with signatures will be in the process of getting gathered.

And there will petitions  for progressive alderman in wards all across the city.

And won’t that be fun!

6 thoughts on “Comcast. T-shirts. Two million blog hits. Ten minute drawings. August.

  1. Congratulations Fred! How long did it take you in terms of
    months and / or posts? Looking forward to reading more educational
    and informative articles as you head toward the 2 million mark.

    1. Let’s just say it took a while to get to the first million and a little over a year to get the second million.

  2. YAY! However–I also say NAY–when you hit 2 million, it was August 1st in SOME time zone (you didn’t specify that it had to be CST!), Therefore, I declare myself the winner! (Of course, since I’m not an ILL-Annoy legislator, I’m just kidding.)


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