Lily Eskelesen Garcia. Duncan policies are indefensible.


NEA President-elect Lily Eskelsen Garcia and an amateur basketball player.

– Salon

Other than being unfair to individual teachers, does basing evaluations and school ratings on test scores hurt students too?

Using test scores is basically saying to educators, “Hit your number or you get punished.” Or even worse, “Hit your number in El Paso, if you’re an administrator, and we’ll give you a bunch of money.” That would encourage the administrator to use a push-out program for low-scoring students like those who don’t speak English. That’s what Lorenzo Garcia did as district superintendent in El Paso, and he is in jail now. He was the first person to go to jail for lining his pocket with bonus dollars because he could hit his numbers. And he made presentations about how you can “light a fire under lazy teachers to get those numbers up.” But what really happened is he would call individual students into his office to threaten and humiliate them with deportation if they wouldn’t drop out or transfer. He pushed out over 400 students in his high school. It was the El Paso Teachers Association that got the community together to talk about what was happening and to make sure that never happened again. That NEA chapter just won a national human and civil rights award for establishing a way for parents and teachers to alert the community when they see district administration engaging in unfair practices to students.

What does Arne Duncan think about this? Why does he still insist on basing his policies on test scores?

I spoke with Secretary Duncan yesterday [July 16]. He’s very upset with the NEA Representative Assembly’s decision to call for his resignation. We had a hard conversation. He was very straightforward with me. He felt he wasn’t being given enough credit from NEA for advocating for expanded early childhood education and greater access to affordable college. And it’s true there is no light between us on those issues. So he asked why we didn’t explain to people all the good things he has advocated for. I said I would send him copies of speeches I give where I’ve been supportive of the good things the Obama administration has done, and I’d give him position papers from the NEA addressing the need to work closely with his department.

So what’s the frustration for teachers?

Here’s the frustration – and I’m not blaming the delegates; I will own this; I share in their anger. The Department of Education has become an evidence-free zone when it comes to high stakes decisions being made on the basis of cut scores on standardized tests. We can go back and forth about interpretations of the department’s policies, like, for instance, the situation in Florida where teachers are being evaluated on the basis of test scores of students they don’t even teach. He, in fact, admitted that was totally stupid. But he needs to understand that Florida did that because they were encouraged in their applications for grant money and regulation waivers to do so. When his department requires that state departments of education have to make sure all their teachers are being judged by students’ standardized test scores, then the state departments just start making stuff up. And it’s stupid. It’s absurd. It’s non-defensible. And his department didn’t reject applications based on their absurd requirements for testing. It made the requirement that all teachers be evaluated on the basis of tests a threshold that every application had to cross over. That’s indefensible.

Read the entire interview here.

6 thoughts on “Lily Eskelesen Garcia. Duncan policies are indefensible.

  1. Arne Duncan’s actions are indefensible!
    He wants kudos and credit for Pre-K and affordable college? Both of those are not done with noble intent by the administration: Pre-K is shoving CCSS into classes with 4year olds (protect our children, now) and affordable college…while Arne is PUSHING student loans on 18 year olds to take on thousands of $$ of debt? Come on! Arne needs not ask for any positive reinforcement, don’t even think about it.
    My husband and I have been lifelong educators, in the classroom, administration, higher education and in working with the USDoE for over 50 years. Never, Never, Ever have we seen such despicable inhumane practices toward children, teachers, parents and public schools in our communities, all for the mighty US $$.
    Arne has never had credentials, took jobs he had no credentials for, and “followed orders” to gladly inflict atrocities beyond measure. My advice, Arne: pack your bags and find a job you may have some skills in, BUT…away from children, supervising adults and other living things. You have done enough damage.
    What nerve, wanting kudos for some things he thinks he did well.
    World history is full of harmful dictators who “did it for the people” while destroying and scorching the earth in their paths. Yup, bit dramatic, but I put Arne, Gates, Obama and that category…destruction of US Education, generations, communities. Plus, not allowing teachers to educate our children properly, while under the GUN!

  2. Looking at what is being proposed for pre-K, evaluation by test scores of canned teach to the test programs, he wants us to pat him on the back? I can’t even begin to get my head around how he plans to evaluate college programs. What is this love of arbitrary metrics as a basis for all that is “right and good”? How can he possibly be so clueless?

  3. Arne can be and is that clueless!
    How much data do we need for his not-so-brilliant intellect?
    He is the perfect “following orders” guy. Not too bright, knows just enough to fake it, has a $$ background, socialized in the B.S. Culture, ruthless, no conscience about the task at hand because he is “following orders”. He can jive with the people he wants to “sell down the river”, great YouTube video of making backroom deals with black community leaders in Chicago while Super.
    When all else fails, he can dribble his ever present 🏀 during any visit. I guess, a white guy making hoops does get attention.
    He is Fluff, and proud of it. Obama chose the right guy to lead us off the cliff.
    Unless we revolt in huge numbers, our kids and teachers are “Toast”!

  4. Reblogged this on kentmcdanielwrites and commented:
    I’ve never understood how President Obama could’ve have chosen a dimwit like Arne Duncan as his Secretary of Education. It’s a mystery right up there with how a supposed supporter of the middle class like Obama can support Charter Schools, which serve no purpose except busting the teachers’ unions.

    1. Kent, what do you mean you don’t understand how Obama could have chosen him for our country’s top job in education? It’s very simple. They’re both from the Hyde Park neighborhood in Chicago. They both played hoops together in pick up games at U of C. Arne supposedly has a nice hook shot. End of story.

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