IEA Retired members. Look for your NEA RA ballot around March 22nd.

I’m on the ballot for delegate to the NEA Representative Assembly in Atlanta this summer.

They go out in the mail around March 22nd and must be received in Springfield by April 24th.

Feel free to let your IEA Retired friends know. I’ll remind you again.


5 thoughts on “IEA Retired members. Look for your NEA RA ballot around March 22nd.

  1. Once the slate is published, would it be appropriate for you to make other recommendations in addition to yourself? We’d like to have the STRONGEST delegation possible, so….

    1. Esther. I would like to make recommendations. But I am newly retired last June and so I am not in a position to know all the folks who are running. I have been fortunate to have worked with, agreed and disagreed, over issues with some of the folks running. I have offered before to make my blog available to those running to say something.

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