Elaine Nekritz or Bill Grossi?

Nekritz Grossi

What a choice! Elaine Nekritz or Bill Grossi.

The race of the 57th House District between Democrat Elaine Nekritz and Republican Bill Grossi says so much about Illinois politics.

Too much about Illinois politics.

I’ll always remember Nekritz at a forum  where we both spoke at East Aurora High School. A teacher got up and reprimanded the Representative for stealing money from our pension fund.

Nekritz smirked and responded, “We didn’t steal it. We never paid it in the first place.”

Honesty is her hallmark.

Well, technically. But not really. Because they did steal it.

Nekritz showed up at a recent Illinois Retired Teachers Association luncheon for candidates along with her Republican opponent Bill Grossi.

I reported on the luncheon in a blog post the next day.

Nekritz was brief. Reacting to a question about what she thought Plan B would be if the courts ruled her Senate Bill 1 unconstitutional, she shrugged and said she wasn’t a constitutional expert and so had no idea what the courts would do.

Then she made a joke about what my next cartoon of her would like and left the room.

Bill Grossi is a  pudgy little man who talks too fast and acts too smart.

I received this from Bill Grossi yesterday:

I am surprised at this article (my blog post- FK). It was clear that every Republican candidate stated that they would protect every retiree’s pension but not one Democrat would promise this. I have made this promise and I intend on keeping it. Yes, changes to current employees pensions are necessary but we must keep our promise made to those who are retired.

I also know much more than you do about pensions,  I spent a great deal of my Career keeping pensions tax qualified. My point about tax loopholes was That there is talk about broadening the tax base for individuals, the only loophole big enough to consider is the non taxation in Illinois of retirement benefits. That loophole is not corporate welfare. Be careful what you wish for. This will drive many retired people out of the state 

Actually, Grossi is wrong about the Democrats. He would have been on safer ground pointing out how the Democrats voted for an unconstitutional bill. But they mostly took the same position on a Plan B as he did when it comes to current retirees.

Which is kind of the problem.

Everybody is agreed that if the Supreme Court kills SB1, current retirees are the bill’s poison pill. The Constitution is not vague about our pension rights. It is likely that any new attack on pensions will go after current and future employees.

And once again it appears as if Democrats and Republicans are united on this approach.

It will be interesting to see if the court rules that current retirees are also covered by the pension protection clause. I believe the court will.

But Grossi is no more a constitutional expert than Nekritz.

Grossi says that a promise to current retirees is a promisee that must be kept.

But he says a promise to all current active members of the state’s pension system is a promise to be ignored?

Grossi is a selective promise keeper.

What kind of candidate stands in front of 100 current retirees with the attitude that he knows much more about our pensions than we do?

Who writes to me to argue for corporate tax loopholes while threatening a tax on senior’s retirement benefits – not just public pensions – but all retirement benefits of all of Illinois’ retirees?

Bill Grossi.

Nekritz or Grossi?

Pity those poor folks in the 57th District.

9 thoughts on “Elaine Nekritz or Bill Grossi?

  1. I don’t think they can go much lower then tier 2. Tier 2 is in some cases, almost a negative pension, because it results in social security being cut back for people who earn income from other jobs.

      1. That’s right, I was thinking about several things at once and wrote a incomplete thought. I had read the tier 2 will actually end up paying the retiree less then they paid into the retirement system, and then what little they would get from social security would be cut because of an already negative pension. Who will we get to teach in the future? 5 years college expenses, 5 years earnings lost, non-dischargeable student loans, name-only tenure, Tea party school boards, union-busting, tier 2, pension theft, teacher paid health care premiums, teach for the test, and test, and test, state retiree insurance not accepted by many providers because they take so long to pay, state Medicare (dis) advantage plan by United Healthcare not accepted not because they pay slow, but because the disallow things and then don’t pay at all. When we think it can not be worse then Quinn, Nekritz, Biss, & Associates, we find ourselves with even worse opposition candidates, who are hinting at supporting Rauner’s “new tax on pensions and social security” ideas. The future is looking kind of bleak, especially for college students thinking of going into teaching. My mind is spinning around with all these thoughts. It is hard to even think of how future teachers will be able to concentrate on teaching with all these things being thrown at them. I am going to run some cold water on my head before it explodes.

  2. Does anyone realize what the work force will look like if “plan B” is to go after current employees? Anyone who is eligible to retire will pack up and go before the ink is dry on the bill.

    The departing employees are going to look like the scene from the Ten Commandments when Moses led his people out of Egypt.

  3. This is the story of the election in Illinois this year – the devil you know or the devil you don’t know? The devil in blue or the devil in red?

  4. After Kanerva they cant go after current workers. I expect judge Belz to make this very clear as well They don’t know what they are talking about
    That said Vote GOP here. He will be in the minority and a junior member. He just cant do the damage Nekritz has done . I disagree with Fred here. She is not honest she is a thief. Her defeat would send a real message. She should have been primaried. but like gov this is where we are . I wish I had a vote in a leg race I don’t this year
    Any other contests of interest?

  5. The pension clause states a” member” not retired or active . Elaine & Bill meet the supreme court buzz saw.

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