NEA lobbies for its’ views! Shocking news!

Republicrat Joe Williams of DFER and the dopey Alexander Russo of Education Hotties fame are shocked that the NEA would pressure Congress to support progressive changes to NCLB.

Why on earth would a 3.2 million member organization that contributes dollars, activists and votes to congressmen expect anything in return?

Are these two being disingenuous, naive or stupid? You decide.

Update: In response to the above, Russo calls me “bilious.” At least towards him, he complains. And isn’t it all about him?

Russo “loves” Joe Williams at DFER though.

But as for me, I’m one of “the most bilious” bloggers in the whole “edusphere,” whatever that is.

I think he’s just unhappy that I never have thought his sexist pictures of women on his blog were funny. I’ll look it up, but does “bilious” mean not laughing at fratboy sexist humor?

Posted in NEA

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