Sunday links.

Here’s a list you won’t find me on. But there may be one or couple of education reformy hedge fund managers. It promises to get interesting when Wikileaks releases the list of 2,000 tax evaders holding Swiss bank accounts tomorrow.

Go Bears!

The four major candidates for Chicago mayor are scheduled to appear tomorrow on a television discussion with local high school students on public station WTTW. But you never know if Rahm and Chico will show up.

In Stony Stratford in England the town was going to close the public library. So the people of the town checked out every book in order to save it. “I went home, put it on Facebook and emailed everyone I could think of and it’s just gone absolutely mad,” said the organizer.

Rahm Emanuel. Give ‘Em What They Want: He came to Chicago after graduating in 1981–hardly a major political disadvantage, since so many voters in the district, including many of his seven opponents in the race, didn’t move to town until after college. Except that once here, he never ran for office, he never led a local grassroots movement, he never joined a community group. He never participated in any citizen fight against the bureaucracy, a misguided zoning decision, or a rapacious developer. His children don’t attend public schools, and he’s never sat on a local school council or been engaged in any of the ongoing school-reform battles.

He even pretty much sat out the greatest political campaign of the last 20 years–Harold Washington’s 1983 mayoral race. As he recalls, he voted for Richard M. Daley over Washington in the Democratic primary. “But then,” he says, “I voted for Washington over [Bernie] Epton in the general.” Ben Joravsky in the Chicago Reader, 2002


5 thoughts on “Sunday links.

    1. The article mentions nothing about the battle yet to come. Stand has raised an additional $3M for the upcoming legislative session.

  1. Did you see the article that that anti tax group ran in the Tribune the day after the tax hike was passed?

    Two pages and the first one had the names of the legislators who voted for it circled.

    Reminded me of the infamous Palin “bulls eye” site.

  2. The early line has Green Bay installed as three point favorites. Maybe they know something we don’t? Stinky Cheese. I smell a rat.

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