Sunday links.

Plenty of folks showed up in Lansing, Michigan to show their anger at Governor Rick Synder’s education cuts.

Barack Obama’s education plan: Just make the lowest performing kids disappear.

Those free-thinking teachers who testified against tenure and seniority rights in Indiana? They weren’t so free. Gates paid some big bucks for them.

The end of the world wasn’t the only bullshit floating around lately. Here’s five myths about American schools.

I’m not exactly a big Bible guy. But I was surprised to learn that committing Sodomy is not exactly what I thought it was. And there’s a lot of it going around these days.

A brief note about not feeding the trolls.

It was the same old story. Palestinians can have a “viable” state, Israel a “secure” one. Israel cannot be de-legitimised. The Palestinians must not attempt to ask the UN for statehood in September. No peace can be imposed on either party. Sometimes yesterday, you could have turned this into Obama’s forthcoming speech to pro-Israeli lobbyists this weekend. Oh yes, and the Palestinian state must have no weapons to defend itself. So that’s what “viable” means!

It was a kind of Second Coming, I suppose, Cairo re-pledged, another crack at the Middle East, as boring and as unfair as all the other ones, with lots of rhetoric about the Arab revolutions which Obama did nothing to help. Some of it was positively delusional. “We have broken the Taliban’s momentum,” the great speechifier said. What? Does he really – really – think that? -Robert Fisk

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