Ty Fahner, head of the corporate Civic Committee, signs pension statement with Cross and Madigan.

Make no mistake about who was behind this attack on teacher pensions.

When GOP House Leader Tom Cross and House Speaker Michael Madigan issued their statement saying they were pulling the pension killer bill off the floor, Ty Fahner, head of the corporate union-hating Civic Committee, signed it as well.

May 30, 2011


We are absolutely committed to reforming Illinois’ public pension system for current employees. It must be done to stabilize our systems and address long term financial issues for both the public employee pension systems and state government.

We believe passage of legislation addressing this issue is essential to the state’s well being.

It was made very clear during the May 26th hearing in the Personnel and Pensions Committee that both those who support pension reform and those who are opposed to Senate Bill 512 acknowledge we have a problem and something must be done.

Our goal is to enact reforms to our pension systems that provide a long term solution for both those who are members of the pension systems and those who fund them.

We will convene meetings over the summer to address the issues and concerns that have been raised and work toward a solution in this year’s Fall Veto Session. [Emphasis added]

-Illinois House Speaker Michael J. Madigan
-Illinois House Republican Leader Tom Cross
-Tyrone Fahner, President, Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago

8 thoughts on “Ty Fahner, head of the corporate Civic Committee, signs pension statement with Cross and Madigan.

  1. “Our goal is to enact reforms to our pension systems that provide a long term solution “:
    and what might those look like that are different from what has already been proposed? Some way that would preserve the economic well-being of present retirees and those to come? or more of the same kind of worker-hating crap that you’ve already thrown against the wall?

  2. Hopefully Cross and Madigan will remove their side-kick who has no knowledge of the pension program for the “common” work hard for all citizens, known as educators.

    It is time that legislators to find out that they have aroused the common citizens, who are state wide, and ready to attack the good ole boy policy as believe by Blago….HUMMMMM maybe he is telling more truth than we want to believe! One time Cross and Blago were friends, family friends, and now…. Well, speculations, but who knows.

    Together the common citizen is going to become active…Thank you, Tom Cross for getting us to take part in our political system!

    Carol Scott

  3. Why is Ty Fahner involved in this issue at all? I had no part in electing him to any public post.
    It offends me that self appointed groups assume power never bestowed by voters.

  4. @Joan Amen and AMEN. He is part of the “pinky ring brigade” have hovers over the most power of the electeds in Illinois. One of those people with big bucks who think money brings superiority and greater knowledge than us riffraff.

    1. Previous reply should read “that” instead of “have” and “powerful” instead of “power.” Too early in the a.m.

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