No money for SB7? You’re kidding me (sarcasm).

Don’t buy the Tribune.

I’ll save you the trouble and reprint the headline.

Education reforms underfunded, Illinois schools chief warns.
State superintendent says budget cuts could hamper performance evaluations for principals, teachers.

The revenge of Jonah Edelman.

Many of us never thought that giving up seniority rights in exchange for teacher evaluations heavily weighted by student assessments was a good idea in the first place.

And giving principals training so that they would have more discretion in hiring and firing? This was a really bad idea.

I mean, you could train some of these dogs with a ten pound bag full of liver treats and it wouldn’t help.

But IEA Executive Director Audrey Soglin and ex-prez Ken Swanson swore that for the first time there would be principal training so that they would do good evaluations.

Audrey Soglin said that my posting of the Edelman video set school reform back decades.

One can only hope that’s true.

No money for the reforms?

Run the scene from Casablanca.

“I’m shocked, shocked to find out there’s gambling going on here,” says Captain Renault.


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