Will teachers work hard for Democrats in 2012?

How excited will 200,000 Illinois union teachers be about the 2012 Democratic ticket when the chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party is leading the assault on teacher pensions?

Anthony Cody writes an insightful piece for Valerie Strauss’ column in today’s Washington Post.

In spite of the NEA early no strings endorsement of Obama at last July’s Representative Assembly here in Chicago, can Democrats rely on teachers to do the street level work necessary to beat the Tea Party Republicans in 2012?

Cody focuses on the education policies coming out of the Duncan DOE. And Cody points to tip of the iceberg of discontent that was the SOS March on Washington.

But here’s another question. Will teachers like those in Illinois come out in the numbers that Democrats need when their party’s chief representative in the state (Madigan is the Illinois Democratic Party Chair) is working to destroy teacher pensions?

Mike Madigan, the powerful Democratic Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives is preparing another assault on teacher pensions in the upcoming General Assembly session.

Obama may end up paying an additonal price for this betrayal of a traditional Democratic constituency.

One thought on “Will teachers work hard for Democrats in 2012?

  1. Obama may end up paying an additonal price for this betrayal of a traditional Democratic constituency. >>

    Heh- do you think this has anything to do with Duncan suddenly talking about states being able to opt out of NCLB? I only sound dumb cause I don’t keep up like you do Fred. I’m busy causing havoc elsewhere.

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