A good day for unions and teachers in Ohio and Michigan. Governor Snyder and Kasich get their heads handed to them.

Of all the elections that took place yesterday, the ones in Michigan and Ohio were the ones that were the most interesting to me.

In Ohio, workers won by a huge margin in defeating Governor Kasich’s attempt to kill union rights. In some Ohio counties nearly 80% of the vote supported collective bargaining.

The Koch brothers and other corporate interests spent millions to win this one. Labor spent heavily as well. But money couldn’t buy this one.

President Obama opposed Issue 2 quietly. He played no significant role in the election, although he claimed one in comments Tuesday night.

The results in Ohio are not just a repudiation of over-reaching Republicans. Democrats who run from their base should take note as well.

And then there was the recall election in Michigan of State Representative Paul Scott. Scott was the point man for Governor Rick Snyder in the Michigan legislature that guided the bills attacking teacher tenure and union rights. The Michigan Education Association targeted him, as did others in the union and progressive movements in Michigan. And last night he was recalled.

A stunning contrast to Illinois where the IEA appears to hold nobody accountable.

2 thoughts on “A good day for unions and teachers in Ohio and Michigan. Governor Snyder and Kasich get their heads handed to them.

  1. And a good day for students. We have to remind people that our unions give us power to push for things like safe school buildings, better resources, smaller classes, and other things that help teachers do their jobs… when teachers can do their jobs students can learn.

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