Me? Give money to the Democratic Senate election committee? You’ve got to be kidding.

My phone rings yesterday afternoon.

“Fred Klonsky?”

Who is calling?

“I’m calling on behalf of the Democratic Senatorial Election Committee…”


“The Democrats are all up for re-election and…”

No they’re not.

“Well twenty-one are and…”

Which ones?


I’m not donating to the Democratic members of the Senate. On the whole, the are a bunch of spineless jerks who either supported or allowed the Republicans to attack working people. If I donate to anybody, it will to individual candidates and based on what the’ve done.

I’m not Willard Romney. I don’t go around making $10,000 bets. I donate my money carefully.

Take the vote today in the Senate over rules governing the Communication Workers of America and the aviation industry. The Democrats in the Senate are about to give in to Republican demands that even the smallest union protection be tossed out.

Me? Write a check to Senate Democrats. You’ve got to be kidding.

One thought on “Me? Give money to the Democratic Senate election committee? You’ve got to be kidding.

  1. I agree. And, vote as carefully as you would spend your money. Don’t give money to the party but only to the people who have not betrayed us & who have truly acted as and recognize that they are in office to serve their constituents.

    If nothing else, Illinois Democrats alone (not all, mind you, but an influential enough number) should have taught everyone a lesson that there isn’t much of a real difference between, say, the goals & aspirations of a Scott Walker or Mitch Daniels & those of a Mike Madigan. Discouraging, to say the least, but not the end.

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