What if Senator Mark Kirk had worked at Wal-Mart?

Phil Kadner in the Southtown:

Kirk’s facing a difficult recovery process. But he’s a lucky guy.

Millions of Americans have no health insurance. No job security.

Millions of other workers would discover that their health insurance didn’t cover the costs of the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago when they needed it.

But instead of using his emotional video to talk about that, instead of saying that every one of his constituents deserves the same opportunity to resurrect their lives in a medical emergency, Kirk talks about cutting budgets and taxes.

Is that really the top priority of this country? Is that really what people want?

I would like to know why Kirk hasn’t told his doctors, “You know, this country is facing a dire budget crisis, I don’t want to waste federal tax dollars on my medical care. I want to make a point about what’s really important.”

No. He wants to get well. He wants to get back to work. And he wants the best treatment money can buy.

I don’t blame him.

But I think every American — each housewife, every child, every person who works at a fast-food restaurant — deserves the same thing.

3 thoughts on “What if Senator Mark Kirk had worked at Wal-Mart?

  1. That’s our Mark. He’s a tough guy and he knows the score. I worked four years after I got sick, and it wasn’t worth it. If his affairs are in order, I wish he would retire and try to regain his whole health, and that takes time and reflection. Maybe he can run again, but for right now, the people of Illinois need the butt in that slot machine seat refilled, and his quick return the seedy GOP controlled U.S. Senate cesspool won’t do anybody any good, and is probably what got himself so sick in the first place. Does any body really know what time it is? It’s time for this sailor man to come home from the sea to the North Shore or live to see himself turned out of office as a do nothing Republican, a third rate Mitch McConnell. A sad outcome indeed for such an accomplished Illinois civil servant.

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