IEA is unrepentant in their IPACE recommendation policies. That’s why members are pulling their dollars.

Yesterday I posted that I had stopped giving money to IPACE. I encouraged others to do the same.

I reported that former IEA President Ken Swanson promised a review of IPACE recommendation procedures. It never happened.

But in a response on his website, IEA Communications Director Charlie McBarron gives a full-throated defense of the present way IPACE does business.

He blames it on the IEA membership which he says is too conservative and too Republican.

Politics is too “messy” in Illinois, says McBarron.

Is that why for many years IPACE was the largest single contributor to House GOP leader and leading pension buster, Tom Cross?

Here’s the thing Charlie. No matter whether an IEA member is a Republican or a conservative they want their pension protected. They want the Illinois Constitution followed when it comes to diminishing or impairing our pensions.

It’s not the members who are the problem when IEA used IPACE money to encourage General Assembly members to vote for Senate Bill 7.  No IEA member, whether Republican or conservative wanted to lose their tenure, their seniority or wanted their performance review to be based on student growth scores as measured by ISAT or MAP tests.

Those in the General Assembly who vote against teacher interests are rarely punished. Friends are abandoned, as when IPACE recommended Judy Topinka for comptroller over State Representative David Miller even though Miller was a profile in courage fighting for fair funding for Illinois schools.

McBarron claims that IPACE recommendations are done with rank and file input.

Raise your hand if you are an IEA member and have had input in IPACE political recommendations.

That’s what I thought.

11 thoughts on “IEA is unrepentant in their IPACE recommendation policies. That’s why members are pulling their dollars.

  1. If politics is “too messy” for IEA, then maybe they should refund all their IPACE money to the teachers they’re supposedly been representing. Then IEA wouldn’t have to wrestle with IL politics. Or maybe people should take their hard earned money and give it to IFT. The results couldn’t be any worse. At least you see Randi Weingarten visibly supporting her troops in the midst of adversity. With regard to having input with regard to IPACE recommendations, I’m sure it’s from the same constituents who vote early and often in Chicago and whose residence is in the local cemeteries.

  2. This should signify the end. Again, IEA locals, it’s way past time for you to be doing nothing.
    The leadership needs to go, and you can–& should– make it happen, or your dues continue to be flushed down the toilet. It’s that simple.

  3. I attended an IPACE endorsement meeting in June. I am a regular member, not leadership. The decisions we made were for senate and house races. It seems that the executive committee makes the decisions about state officers. I have always been bothered by IEA giving money to Mike Madigan.

  4. The problem with the fixing the IEA endorsement process has to do with more than just its decision making policies. It’s that the IEA thinks so little of its rank-and-file. When I sent an email requesting a refund for my IPACE funds, I got a response back from an individual in the communications department saying, “This one ought to give you a chuckle.” Moments later, I received another email asking me to send my mailing address so that a form could be sent to me.

    Obviously, this individual meant for the first response to be sent internally to someone else in the IEA. My assumption is, on accident, they returned it to me instead.

    I called this individual in the communications department and confronted them about the email. The person told me at first that, “I have no idea where that came from.” Only moments later to tell me, “It was a wrong email to the wrong person.” No kidding, really?

    Is the membership some sort of a joke to those working the IEA office in Springfield? I guess so. Is there some opening for reasonable communication and input occur between the rank-and-file and the internal hierarchy in IEA to cause effective change in policy. As of now, that door is sealed shut. Because, other that to be a source of laughter to the leadership in IEA, the rank-and-file does not exist.

  5. Jerry,

    I’m not sure who it was you talked to within the IEA organization, but I can tell you without a doubt that it wasn’t anyone in the communications department. The communications department doesn’t have anything to do with the IPACE program. I hope the situation has been resolved to your satisfaction.

    1. Thanks for the clarification, Sarah. Actually, the issue hasn’t been resolved to my satisfaction. This is not the first time that an incident involving the stupidity of IEA with respect to staff internal emails having accidentally found their way out of the IEA Office with language indicating a lack of respect toward the membership.

      Do you work in IEA, Sarah?

    2. On second thought, what does it matter anyway, Sarah? I spoke the President Klickna tonight and she could seem to care less about how IEA treats the rank-and-file. I guess the experience of communicating with IEA will have to continue to be similar to the experience I get when I call the cable TV company. Actually, the cable TV company treats it customers better.

      1. Again, how much abuse (and misuse of your dues) are you guys willing to take? Come on–DO something! How do you think the CTU voted in Karen Lewis & company? And, no, I do not write this as a disaffected retiree–I was an IEA member for all of my 35 years but one (when I worked for an IFT
        school district–but that is a very long story), VERY active in my local: was on the Board, was on the strike committee, filed 2 grievances (one on behalf of the whole district–kids & teachers–which we WON; the other I didn’t, but I followed the contract & got an even better deal!), went to Lobby Day (remember those? the FORMER IEA leaders supported them, and made them happen), and opened my mouth whenever necessary. If this nonsense had been going on while I was still an active, you’d better believe our local would’ve stepped up to the plate. As it is, IEA has helped the G.A. bring our pensions to ruin, not to mention, for you all, SB 7. Honestly, I feel your pain, but writing to blogs and complaining just isn’t going to change the situation.What is happening to education in the U.S. & our choices in the national elections aren’t something we can do a heck of a lot about at this late date, but you CAN do something about this RIGHT NOW: the rank-&-file membership IS the IEA–you guys pay for it and YOU own it!

        You’ve got your strength in locals–now get together and get better leadership. Yes, YOU ALL can!!!

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