Participate in and help spread the word about Diane Ravitch’s October 17 Campaign for Our Public Schools!

From Diane Ravitch’s blog:

Please write your thoughts about what needs to change in federal education policy and send a letter to President Obama by that date.

You can write it now and follow instructions here.

Anthony Cody, experienced middle school science teacher and fabulous blogger, has offered to coordinate our campaign to write President Obama on October 17.

We call it the Campaign for Our Public Schools.

Our campaign is meant to include everyone who cares about public education: students, parents, teachers, principals, school board members, and concerned citizens. We want everyone to write the President and tell him what needs to change in his education policies.

Tell your friends about the Campaign. If you have a blog, write about it. Wherever you are, spread the news. Join us.

Here are the instructions:

You can send your letter to Anthony Cody or to this blog.

Or you can send it directly to the White House, with a copy to me or Anthony.

Anthony will gather all the emails sent to him and me and forward them to the White House.

1. Email your letters to

2. Or submit them as comments to this blog. You can respond to this post or to any other post on this blog about the October 17 Campaign for Our Public Schools.

All letters collected through these two channels will be compiled into a single document, which will be sent to the White House on Oct. 18.

In ADDITION to this,

3. You can mail copies of your letters through US mail to The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, 20500

4. You can send them by email from this page:

If you choose to write or email the White House, please send us a copy so we can keep track of how many letters were sent to the President.

One more thought: when you write to the President, also write to your Senators and Congressman or -woman and to your state legislator and Governor. Send the same letter to them all.

Let’s raise our voices NOW against privatization, against high-stakes testing, against teacher bashing, against profiteering.

Let’s advocate for policies that are good for students, that truly improve education, that respect the education profession, and that strengthen our democratic system of public education.

Let’s act. Start here. Start now.

Join our campaign. Speak out. Enough is enough.


3 thoughts on “Participate in and help spread the word about Diane Ravitch’s October 17 Campaign for Our Public Schools!

  1. Dear President Obama, When I heard you declare that you would be a candidate for president in that wonderful speech, on that cold Springfield Saturday, I went to get my checkbook to donate what I could. Now I am bewildered with your silence on Unions. True respect for education would mean honoring the pension debts. Why is Washington bailing out Wall Street, and now QE3 mortgages, but ignoring the state teacher pensions. What young person will become a teacher when they observe the current and retired teachers told they were lazy. This reminds me of the Cultural Revolution in China when teachers were paraded through the streets as traitors! What I see instead, is corporate monopolies taking over public education who soon will be teaching crazy unscientific facts to children. The global warming myth and creationism are just two ideas that will be promoted in text books by these tea party businesses and paid for with tax revenues. Public schools are research based and need to be preserved. I attended Catholic school and in 12 years never learned about the Spanish Inquisition!! My kids went to public schools!

    J. Psy.D.

  2. In addition to the letter I sent to Diane Ravitch’s blog, I sent this by email to the Whitehouse today:

    Please pay attention to the voices of educators, parents, students and concerned citizens who are pleading with you to change your destructive education policies under the leadership of Arne Duncan. The Chicago Tribune had an article on the differences in positions between you and Mitt Romney. Shamefully, on the issue of education the positions were pretty much the same. If you recognize the harmfulness of Romney’s elitist outlook on other topics, you must recognize that Race to the Top is a harmful program that will destroy public education in this country. Listen to the real experts, not the businessmen who see an opportunity to make money on the problem. Listen to those of us who really know what is going on in the schools and know how high stakes testing, “value-added” evaluation, competition rather than collaboration, and draining public school resources to open charter schools has hurt our students. I have read many of the letters that will be sent to you today, and I am getting angrier and angrier that the person I have supported in his bid for Presidency, a highly intelligent and seemingly caring man does not see the truth of what is happening. I hope you will actually read and think hard about every one of the heart felt letters that are being directed toward you today.

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