Saturday coffee.

I’m nursing a cold.

When I first started teaching back in ’84 I would get a cold the first week in October. Catching a cold is totally typical for teachers, or anyone who comes in contact with lots of people. Colds are contagious.

It is even more common for me because I was an Art teacher and I saw every kid in the school. No matter how often I washed my hands and no matter how often I had the kids wash their hands, all it takes is one uncovered sneeze.

I took vitamin C in massive doses. I took zinc. Remember when echinacea was the rage?  I took tons of echinacea. I would hand out anti-bacterial wipes. I would buy gallons jugs of anti-bacterial hand soap.

In addition I would be the first in line the first day flu shots became available. One year I missed the day the school district was offering flu shots because I had a meeting. No meeting is worth the flu. That was a huge mistake. Shortly after I got a case of the flu. It was a case of the flu that made me wish I was dead.

A week later, after recovering from the flu I suffered what the cardiologist called a mild heart attack. By mild I think he meant I didn’t die. But no more wishing I was dead. I am pretty sure the heart attack and the nasty case of the flu were connected. I’ve read stuff about inflammation. In any case, I now never miss a flu shot.

Last year a PE teacher came down with whooping cough. 15 minutes later I was at a Target pharmacy with a needle in my arm being shot up with vaccine.

I take no chances.

And little by little, year by year, I would push back the date of my cold. Late October. November. Some years, not until Spring.

This year, I have no kids. I’m fairly isolated from human contact out here across the Big Lake from Chicago. Just me, Anne and the dog.

But the first week in October I get a cold.

I’m wondering if the pharmacy in New Buffalo gives flu shots?

5 thoughts on “Saturday coffee.

  1. If the cold is early October it is an allergy to mold. Art teachers are around a ton of the stuff in their materials, add in decaying leaves and its the art teachers version of hay fever. When the snow falls and freezes your cold will go away.

    BTW the allergy shots don’t work. I think because it is an inhaled allergy and the shots puncture the skin. Antibacterial soap will just take off your skin and leave you more vulnerable to bad stuff. They passed out antibacterial soap and we made our students use the stuff constantly because of a widespread salmonella outbreak. It took off the kid’s skin and ours too and didn’t protect against salmonella. Patricia Herrmann

  2. Fred-
    Forget the pharmacy! Drive in the other direction to Warren Dunes beach and go swimming with Ulysses. Freeze a cold, feed a fever.

    1. Peter, Right now the water temperature is about 30 degrees WARMER than the air temperature. I just took Ulysses for a walk. Beautiful color. Freezing 40 mph wind off the Lake. sniff.

  3. Fred,
    Friend of mine is a pharmacist at Buffalo Drugs. If they don’t do shots, I’m sure they’ll tell you where to go. I have to giggle, nice picture! Just coming back from mushroom picking at Warren Woods today and my kids couldn’t stop talking about the “garage pumpkins”. They’re right around the corner from our summer house!

    1. Funny. The house we’re renting for October is right behind the garden center with the “garage pumpkins.”

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