This post is not about explaining the Illinois Constitutional Amendment on pensions. It is just explaining why it is important for you to vote and get everyone you know to do the same.

We have done a good number of blog posts on why the Constitutional Amendment on the November 6th ballot is a bad idea.

Not today.

This is just about why you need to be sure to vote and get everyone you know to vote too (Unless you are voting yes. Then skip the rest of this post).

In order to pass, the amendment needs 60%.

That means for every two no votes, the amendment needs three yes votes to pass.

Look. This is likely to be a low turn-out election. In Illinois, the top of the ticket is a done deal. There are some contested congressional elections. But not many. Half the state legislative districts are uncontested.

There are roughly 800,000 of us who are members of state pensions in Illinois. You have family members of voting age. You have friends. Let’s do this.

Make sure they vote early and vote no.

If you need to supply reasons, go here.

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