Saturday coffee.


Dawn Hochsprung. Principal at Sandy Hook. The Sandy Hook Book Fairy reads to first graders.

We woke to a gloomy Chicago morning.

Ulysses and I took our morning walk in the dampness of a light drizzle that promises to turn to real rain and possible thunder later in the day.

Uly doesn’t like thunder. What dog does?

After the events of yesterday it would be a gloomy morning anyway.

Yet some sunshine would have  helped.

I tried to stay off the news yesterday. But in this world of social networking it is awfully hard. My daughter smartly said she was keeping my grandkids away from news reports of the Connecticut murders of kindergarten children. Yet I wonder how a parent is able to do that.

My Facebook status page was filled with the full range of reactions, from  angry calls for gun control to the question of what kind of society are we?

Others claimed this was not the time to talk about guns. Why not?

I try not to blame all of us – “society” – the world, for tragedies. Particularly the horrible actions of a guy whose motives are not yet clear.

Although what motive could possibly explain what he did?

I worry about premature conclusions. I worry about the suggestions that he had Aspergers, as if that was an explanation.

Although, like in any tragedy, people try to find ways to cope with it – explain it – make sense of it.

I have little patience for the Mike Huckabees, Pat Robertsons and others who suggest it is God’s will or God’s punishment. What utter bullshit. Who could believe in such a God?

I am annoyed at some in the gun lobby who claim that this could have been prevented if the teachers at Sandy Hook were armed.

Are they kidding?

Horribly, no they are not.

I weeped at the words of  the Sandy Hook teacher who told of huddling her students in a closet. She told reporters that she kept telling them how she loved them. She was thinking that they would all be killed and wanted those words to be the last thing, not gunfire, that they heard.

Teachers. God love ’em. 

I don’t know. We went through the motions of lock-down drills every year at my school. But nobody I know believe that they meant anything. That they represented anything other than public relations.

A guy comes into our school with a semi-automatic rifle with the intent on hurting folks?

Well, at least we’re doing something.

Hey. How about not having people owning semi-automatic rifles.

What is that thing they say at AA meetings? About knowing the difference between things we can change and things we can’t.

Thousands of kids die in this country and around the world each year.

So many die in ways we can prevent.

I try to stay focused on the things we can change.

9 thoughts on “Saturday coffee.

  1. Maybe the massacre at Sandy Hook will reach into the souls of our elected officials in a way Gabbie Giffords’ shooting somehow failed to do. Their own colleague was shot in the face with a military weapon and they did nothing. Will they do nothing again this time for the 26 families who are planning funerals instead of Christmas shopping? How do things like the NRA and Grover Norquist hold the entire country hostage?

  2. I saw a question: What can we expect from a system that thinks nothing of 12 kids being killed by a drone in Pakistan (government sanctioned) but goes bananas when 20 are killed (not government sanctioned)? Let us look a lot deeper into what we call our values, government, laws and religions because where we are now is BS.

  3. Mark Blumenthal • Gun Control Polling : Could Sandy Hook Shooting Shift Support?

    My Response —

    It will only happen if people become more important than money.

    In the mean time, your friendly neighborhood and national brand arms dealers are laughing all the way to the bank, dealing arms to every side in the ever-escalating personal arms race, rolling in dough from the cycle of fear and periodic slaughter.

    We are passing from a country ruled by people to a country ruled by money, a country where money is the only power and the only value, where human life pales in significance.

  4. The gunman was armed with semi-automatic pistols, so why are you advocating “not having people owning semi-automatic rifles”? Do you even know what ‘semi-automatic’ means? Do you?

    It’s easy to write a sob piece on the death of “our children”.
    Let’s see you protesting our children killing “their children”.

    1. I didn’t say the gunman had a semi-automatic rifle. I know the difference, having owned a semi-automatic pistol in the past. It wasn’t easy to write. The issues you seem to get agitated about say more about you than they say about me and my post. As for me protesting our children killing their children? I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

      1. No, you didn’t, which only makes for a greater disconnect. Why bring up the rifles at all then? You want more gun control? I don’t exactly disagree, as long as you start with the biggest and deadliest gun in the planet, not piddly semi-automatic rifles. Still no idea what the hell I am talking about? Here, buy a clue:

      2. Oh. You were trying to make the point that the US government kills innocent children in their wars of aggression and say it in the most obtuse way possible. You obviously don’t read the other sob stories I have posted over the years. In fact, I do much more than post on a blog OR write anonymously to one. Only the most heartless could respond as you seem to respond to yesterday’s events. I know that those who buy and sell drones are also the same ones who buy and sell the semi-automatic pistols AND rifles that flood our streets and kill our children AND theirs. And I will continue to write sob stories about both.

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