Life in Rahm’s Chicago. Teachers, schools, pensions and murders. Poll numbers take a huge hit. Just 2% strongly approve.

Duncan And Emmanuel Promote Education Dept's Summer Reading Initiative

There was last week’s trial ballon about Rahm running for president in 2016.


Of the United States.

Then there are reports of his meddling in the May CTU election.

He may want to do some rethinking in light of polling numbers coming from Crain’s today.

Just two percent strongly approve of his job performance as mayor.

Two percent. That’s the fat content in a glass of milk. Not an approval number.

Half of those responding share various levels of disapproval.

Says Crain’s

That may suggest that Mr. Emanuel has paid a political price in battling the Chicago Teachers Union, pushing for government worker pension reform and struggling to reverse a spike in murders that has continued for more than a year.

Yep. It just might suggest that.

4 thoughts on “Life in Rahm’s Chicago. Teachers, schools, pensions and murders. Poll numbers take a huge hit. Just 2% strongly approve.

  1. I have been following the events around the election for the 2nd congressional district as it effects many in my area. Yesterday Rahm insists that he is neutral in the race, despite his big money pals like Bloomberg sticking their nose (and money) in. Then he says on the news yesterday, “Who ever wins better be with team Chicago.” The 2nd district doesn’t even lie inside Chicago boundaries. Who the heck does he think he is???

  2. Unfortunately, Rahmses (who was the “King of Spin” as a former chief of staff to the president who most underwhelmed us for what he promised and could of accomplished) will be able to say “I had to make the hard decisions!”. Where is it said the best candidate will win? Just ranting at the universe, Fred.

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