The Sunday Mail.


It is a coalition of snakes (aka The Friends of Rahm) that are running against Karen Lewis and the CORE slate to run the CTU.

UNO’s Juan Rangel fronts for Mayor 2% in the school privatization movement.

You won’t read this in the NY Times. Thousands in Texas rally for public education.

Don’t believe the hype. The Illinois Teacher Retirement System had good returns on its investments. If only the state had paid its share.

Last chance. Sign our petition for a constitutional solution to the pension issue.

Gay-hating Jesus Freaks will picket Oscar and then go after students at Santa Monica High School on Monday morning.

MichelleRhee’s Radical is heading for the remainder table at a bookstore near you.

Five members of Congress have called on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to clarify if Blackwater founder Erik Prince’s recently disclosed deal to provide a small mercenary army to the United Arab Emirates complies with US law and export regulations. “We question whether private US citizens should be involved in recruiting and assembling forces, as well as providing military training and support to foreign governments and militaries,” wrote the lawmakers, led by Representative Jan Schakowsky, a member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. “The implications of allowing a US citizen to assemble a foreign legion in any foreign country, and especially in a combustible region like the Middle East, are serious and wide-ranging.”

On May 14, the New York Times revealed that Prince was leading an effort to build an army of mercs 800 strong—including scores from Colombia—in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. They would be trained by US, European and South African special forces veterans. Prince’s new company, Reflex Responses, also known as R2, was bankrolled to the tune of $529 million from “the oil-soaked sheikdom,” according to the Times, adding that Prince was “hired by the crown prince of Abu Dhabi” Sheik Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan. Jeremy Scahill

3 thoughts on “The Sunday Mail.

  1. I am a faithful reader, and usually I am enlightened and entertained by your posts. However, you are not a CPS teacher; I am. I can tell you not every CPS teacher is happy with Karen Lewis…please do not assume anyone opposing her and CORE are Rahm’s snakes.

    1. Just to be clear, I didn’t assume anything. Individual teachers will have their own views. No union president will make every CPS teacher happy.That’s what elections are for. But the alliance of these caucuses, whose only common interest or common principles are to remove Karen Lewis from office? They are doing Rahm’s business. Because other than that, what do they stand for? One doesn’t have to pay dues to see what’s what.

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