And the winner is…


Remember all entries must have been a tweet, haiku or limerick.

The decision of the judge (that’s me) is final.

And the winner of the one million visits contest is:

Matthew Tolzmann:

ISAT and sat and sat for days
ISAT and sat some more
I marked more B’s and C’s than A’s
To get a better score!

Matthew: send me a mailing address for the shirt.

Thanks to the other creative entries.


Roar, verbal cannon
Let thoughts and fellings explode
Words will win the war

Glen Brown:

I’m not entering… I dislike Haiku’s, but I’m better at writing terrible limericks:

There once was a blogger named Klonsky,
Who looked at data with esprit.
He created a contest for readers,
To become the new leaders,
But as for the best prize: it’s being a retiree!

Jon Awbrey:

Never ending curse …
River running in reverse —
That’s Chicago, Fred ❢


I read the Klonsky
which the news of retirement
is helped with his words

Mike Klonsky:

There once was a blogger named Fred
Who blog posts nobody read
So Fred got busy Making Madigan dizzy
Now he’s reaching a million instead

Ken Previti:

I read everything Fred Klonsky wrote and all I got was this lousy shirt – and a prescription for new glasses.


Violets are blue,
Roses are red.
Who will we have to thank when our pensions are saved?
Fred, Fred, Fred!


You, sir, are operating without a Poetic License. All contestants thus far are subject to arrest. (Or a rest, if they are retired.)


With cartoons, wit and
smarts Fred still fights the good fight.
Ukuleles, too.

Phillip Cantor:

Agreements were made
Into our pensions we paid

Jon Bauman:

There once was a fellow named Fred
Who wrote off the top of his head
But when he turned to pensions
He caused many tensions
Now some pols wish he were dead*

*all in jest of course.

Corene Mulvihill:

I was once so sad
Until I was led
To a guy named Fred.
He offered hope
So I could cope
With all the mopes. (Administrators, politicians and etc; basically all those who are not teachers and trying to tell teachers how to do their job.)
His only schema
Is to reveal our dilemma
That we need an education utopia to review all the data!


There was a webmaster McBarron
The site-he didn’t like sharin’
He said to Fred Klonsky
You’re out-G’Bye-Goneski
A new one Fred began a-tearin’


I once knew a “Freddie” from Philly
Whom I thought at the time a bit silly
Not to my surprise he turned out to be wise
Our true ally who’s not willy nilly.


Granny is pushed over the cliff
In one TV commercial shenanigan
Surprise!–by stealing our COLA and insurance
The guy pushing Granny is Madigan

Another from Jon Bauman:

There once was a spokesman named Carroll
Whose words put her boss on the barrel
Whether clacking for Rod
Or hacking for Rahm
The truth was always in peril.

Tim Furman:

Left-leaning Fred, a hell-raiser,
whose posts rip through shit like a laser.
Remarked to Elaine
That her shtick was insane
And illegal, but that didn’t faze her.

And from 2old2teach:

What a challenge you face in the morn
To choose the rhyme that captures your form.
We know you are fair
A champ keen to declare
A mighty fine shirt to be worn.


5 thoughts on “And the winner is…

  1. Hi Fred,

    I feel so honored! Thanks again for keeping us all informed. I had never heard that Dr. Seuss passage on testing until I saw it on your blog. Interestingly enough, however, my 2nd grader came home on the first day of ISATs and told me that his class had read that book out loud during reading time.

    Thanks Again and Take Care,


    PS – On a Dr. Seuss-ish related note, my dad has re-written the bible in rhyming verse. He’s a retired pastor and wrote a poem to end every sermon for most of his 40+ year career. (My brother did the cover art and the illustrations.)

  2. Love, love, love the winning entry!
    …and now, back to the pension and Fox Valley charter school battles.

  3. Reblogged this on Fred Klonsky and commented:

    A year ago I reached one million page hits. At the present rate I will reach two million by mid-summer. To celebrate one million I held a haiku/poetry contest. I must think of something to celebrate two million site hits.

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