Fire all the teachers.

Ken and Jim


Which one is John Tillman, CEO of the Illinois Policy Institute?

– By Todd Mertz

Yes–fire all Illonois teachers and public employees.  I am not kidding.  More on that in a minute.

The Illinois Policy Institute (IPI) calls themselves a “leading independent research organization.”

Far from the truth.

They are a right-wing, conservative group with very serious agendas to influence Illinois law and policy.  One of their largest priorities is to dismantle the state pension system for teachers and state workers…completely.

The worst thing is–legislators listen to them, quote them, and use their data.

All the time.

For example, Rep Jeanne Ives, Rep Dwight Kay, and Senator Sue Rezin have cited their quotes and data in recent letters and emails to me.  And according to the Daily Herald, “Senator Jim Oberweis argues the only way to tackle the state’s immense pension debt is to all but get rid of the system going forward.”  It then states, “Oberweis’ plan is backed by the conservative Illinois Policy Institute.”

By the way, all four of these legislators voted for Madigan’s amended SB1, which includes catastrophic benefits cuts for pensioners.

IPI Vice President Kristina Rasmussen was interviewed by Eric Zorn in Wednesday’s Tribune (the Tribune, of course, has the same agenda).  Her suggestion:  “Starting tomorrow, government workers control their own destiny in a self-managed plan.”

That means a 401(k) plan, where there is absolutely NO guarantee of ANY pension.  Remember, we, unlike private sector employees, get no Social Security.

Let’s take a look at history to see how devastating such a plan could be:

In the early 1990’s , West Virginia had a large unfunded pension liability like Illinois has now.  So, in July of 1991, all new hires were forced into a defined contribution plan (401-k) and all active teachers were able to choose if they wanted to keep their defined benefit plan (like we have now) or move to a define contribution plan (401-k).

So what was the result of those who stayed in the state pension system compared to those who jumped ship?

According to the NEA, “Those over age 60 had an average of just $23,193 in their retirement accounts–a trifling amount to spread out over the rest of their lives in retirement.  On the other hand, teacher participants in the pension plan, earning the average salary after 30 years of service, would receive an annual pension of $27,000.”

The defined contribution plan (401-k) “failed in every way, shape, and form.”

West Virginia eventually went back to the traditional pension plan.

Could you imagine being over age 60, retired, and have just $23,193 to live on the rest of your life?

We’ll, Kristina Rasmussen, the VP of the Illinois Policy Institute, doesn’t care.

But worst of all, her superior, CEO of IPI, John Tillman would like to see all IL teachers and state workers fired.

Really, I am not kidding.

In Chicago Now (owned by the Trib, also printed in the regular Trib), Tillman states, “Fire all the state employees. Replace them with contract employees. Then we don’t have to worry about shelling out for extravagant and backbreaking public pensions.”

Can you believe the CEO of a large and powerful “independent” research group said that?

Tillman wants to replace trained, educated, and certified IL teachers with low-paid, temp employees with no benefits.

And yet the Institute claims they want to improve education?  In fact, they have an entire link dedicated to education on their web page.

Ironic, isn’t it?

However, nearly all of the Education link is dedicated to decreasing teachers’ pay, busting unions, and promoting charter schools.  In fact, there really is nothing there at all to actually improve education.  Scroll down for yourself.

The most unfortunate fact is that our legislators are using IPI “facts” and “data” to make their voting decision.  This decision will clearly impact the rest of our lives.

Just scroll down their “Pension Reform” link on their website.  You will see they are up to no good.

Ralph Martire, Executive Director of the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability, has an opposite viewpoint.  As I have written about in the past, his data suggests that pension “reform” will not solve the unfunded liability problem.  He states in the State Journal Register, “It is the unattainable, unaffordable repayment schedule that is straining the state’s fiscal system — not pension benefits and not losses from this Great Recession.”

The million dollar question:  How do we get our legislators to wake up and discredit IPI and pay close attention to the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability?

Ralph Martire will be testifying at the second pension Conference Committee this Wednesday, July 3rd at 9:00 a.m. in Chicago.

I am glad he is.  Let’s hope they listen closely.

11 thoughts on “Fire all the teachers.

  1. Fire all public employees and hire contract workers? Oops! The state would then HAVE to pay into Social Security, not “kick the can down the road.”

  2. This is what is so infuriating! All these politicians, for example our ‘mayor’ and other high ranking officials that are SO concerned about our children’s education and yet all of their suggestions AND actions certainly do not show a concern for anything other than private profit. WTH?!!!

  3. I have a better idea, fire all state legislators who listen and actually believe the likes of IPI and others like them. Replace these legislators with contract employees. Then we don’t have to worry about shelling out for extravagant and backbreaking perks that that comes with legislating like daily allowances, health insurance, lodging, etc. Who knows maybe the state would be in better fiscal shape as a result!

  4. I think it is time to have a list of requirements and degrees for any candiate who is running for an elected position. First and fourmost, a doctorate in business finance from Harvard or equivalent instituition of higher learning.. Many of our Illinois leaders are certainly lacking the ability to grasp the essentials of basic math!!!

  5. Isn’t amazing how condescending these people are? All you have to do is the research to find out their political leanings and backgrounds (I’ve listed three below – feel free to send your derision their way). All these people come from the financial system, mostly equity firms — many have made their fortunes by investing pension fund monies. It’d be laughable if it weren’t so disgusting how these people and so-called independent organizations manipulate the system, then are so often used as factual basis for those who want to reform the pension system. This entire thing is basically HMOs for schools. Cut the workforce, privatize everything, and these wealthy people and their friends will have their companies come in so they can get their hands on the “free government money.” Like Willie Sutton responded when they asked why he robbed banks — “It’s where the money is.”

    ILLINOIS POLICY INSTITUTE (*Is a 501c organization – non-profit, non-political).
    Top Three Board members are:
    Steve Brown – Promus Holdings, LLC; CHS Capital; Board of Catalyst Charter Schools
    Elizabeth Christie – Avent America Inc. (1992); Global Avent; Charterhouse Capital Partners
    Richard T. Weiss – Wells Capital Mgmt.; Strong Capital Mgmt.; Stein, Roe & Farnham
    Ted Dabrowski (VP of Policy) – Virtual Learning Solutions; Charter Schools & Vouchers; Citigroup (corporate and investment banking)

    John Tillman (Pres)
    *Roe Award; Sam Adams Alliance & Foundation; President of American for Limited Govt.; Also, Illinios Liberty PAC >> Illinois Oppt. Project (501c4); John previously served as president and COO of the Sam Adams Alliance and Foundation during their start-up phase. Prior to his time with Sam Adams, he served as president and director of Americans for Limited Government, where he helped ALG grow from a single, part-time employee in May of 2004 to a staff of approximately 25 that had a significant impact on political activity in 13 states in 2006. An experienced speaker on the principles of liberty and the role of government in our society, John has appeared in media outlets ranging from FOX News Channel to National Public Radio, and is a regular guest on top Chicago radio shows.

    Kristina Rasmussen – Executive Vice President
    Kristina came to the Institute from the National Taxpayers Union (NTU), where she amplified the pro-taxpayer message by serving as Director of Government Affairs. In addition to her extensive tax and budget advocacy, Kristina worked on telecommunications, transportation, and state transparency issues.

  6. Does that mean if they fire all the state workers and go to low-paying part-time employees to fill the spots that we can also expect our tax bills to be cut by the same percentage? If would only make sense think so

  7. Fire all the teachers? Down here in Marion County, Florida, they are doing just that. They are terminating all first year teachers, and I think second also, Then the plan is to replace them with ‘long-term substitutes. By their definition, Long-term substitutes have to be college graduates and certified by the state, so they must meet the same requirements as regular teachers. Also, since they are not regular employees, they do not pay into Social Security, but into the ‘Social Security Alternative’ program allowed – basically a 401k.

    Current teachers who are being terminated under this plan have the ‘opportunity’ to apply for their same positions, only at half salary and with no benefits.

    Hopefully, the Marion County School Board will realize the folly of this plan quickly and soon enough to keep their quality young teachers.

  8. I am a retired public school teacher. My wife is a State employee in the Appellate Court system, all three of our children are employed in public education, two of their spouses are also public school teachers. I know our taxes are high. The tax system needs to be improved in away that is fair to all tax payers and provide proper funding to various governments. Reducing pensions is not the only possible solution. Taxes and state fees should be tied to the cost of living. Pensions should be subject to the political desires of elected officials. We must work out a solution that is fair and findable and will not be subject to change in the next session.

  9. Shameful!!!!! I hope that he is voted out! What a shame politicians think they are better than teachers. Who do they think taught them? They seemed to be educated — oops, well, not actually, as they are STUPID!! Vote their happy a**** o-u-t!

  10. Teachers vote and with purpose!
    We will stop this ridiculous logic with clear thinking.

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