Rauner dresses like Floyd Turbo. Speaks like Rahm.


Floyd Turbo or Bruce Rauner.

While millionaire mayor Rahm Emanuel wears expensive suits and Republican candidate for governor Bruce Rauner dresses more like Johnny Carson’s old character, Floyd Turbo, you might still confuse the two of them.

Aside from having a record of violence in many south and west side communities that is 15 times that of the area around his north side Lakeview home, Rahm spends his waking hours plotting the destruction of traditional neighborhood schools, closing public schools in predominantly Black neighborhoods and going after the teachers unions.

Rauner’s campaign for governor is a Xerox of the Rahm Doctrine.

Speaking in the Quad Cities area, Rauner laid out his campaign:

Mr. Rauner has long been involved with the charter school movement in Chicago. If elected to the governor’s office, he said he would push for more competition among schools across Illinois.

“I think we’ve got to create competition and choice to the broken monopoly that’s our system,” he said. “We need charter schools, we need vouchers.”

Charter schools are publicly funded but privately run and usually have more freedom in choosing a curriculum than public schools. They also often hire non-union teachers.

Illinois has a cap of 120 charter schools, with a maximum of 75 allowed in Chicago and 45 for the rest of the state. That cap, Mr. Rauner said, is supported by teachers’ unions and should be lifted.

“The reality is our school districts are controlled by the teacher’s unions and their allies,” he said. “The schools in Illinois are run for the benefit of the adults in the building rather than for the benefit of the schoolchildren and their parents.”

Mr. Rauner said parents should be allowed to choose which public school their children attend.

“We should have vouchers, so that when a school is failing parents can afford to take their child to whatever schools work for them,” he said.

Mr. Rauner also said teachers should not be forced to join a union if they don’t want to. In Illinois, teachers can be required to pay a fee to a union as a condition of continued employment.

He also said he would work to end the tenure system for teachers, which critics say makes it harder to fire teachers.

“I don’t believe there should be tenure for teachers,” Mr. Rauner said. “Nobody should have a job for life guaranteed.”

Capitolfax’s Rich Miller asks:

Since he clouted his own kid into Payton Prep after “moving” from Winnetka to Chicago, perhaps he’d be willing to let kids who attend sub-par Chicago schools attend Winnetka’s New Trier High School?

3 thoughts on “Rauner dresses like Floyd Turbo. Speaks like Rahm.

  1. Without tenure teachers could be replaced because they earn a higher salary than a beginning teacher. Clear way to keep teachers close to Wal Mart wages and excellent teachers to abandon their careers. Why would anyone choose teaching as a profession these days? You can do everything right yet be punished monetarily for life. And let’s not even start about the pensions thefts!

  2. Where do people like him come from? Surely not from Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, The United States Of America or Globally. This person is out-of-this-world with his “ideas.”

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