Sunday reads.


Bill Moyers talks about the Chicago Workers Collaborativeorganizing workers to bring down the barriers.

Latest polls. Because of the government shutdown, the Republicans would lose the House if the election were held today.

I saw The Trials of Muhammad Ali last night. See it when it comes to your town.

The WaPo’s Valerie Strauss and Diane Ravitch have a talk.

Brunch in New York. MORE please.

The Democrats have already agreed to the Ryan Budget that they were elected to oppose.

In America, 46 million people live in poverty. We are not meeting Annual Yearly Progress.

Humbug, I say. A hoax, I say. Speaking plainly, however, is dangerous, if you are a woman. When men speak plainly and mince no words, they are direct and forceful. When women speak plainly and mince no words, they are abrasive, harsh, and just plain–well–rude. The same people who object to my tone waste no time denouncing me in abusive language. I will not deign to notice them. Nor will they intimidate me by their swagger. Diane Ravitch.

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