4 thoughts on “Rahm wants to put a charter across the street from a neighborhood school. Alderman and community say no.

  1. Mr. Homicide is a moron. Why doesn’t he focus on helping existing schools, attracting jobs to Chicago, rebuilding neighborhoods and communities, and most importantly addressing that nasty homicide problem that the city seems to be experiencing?

  2. As he told Neil Steinberg, he wants his legacy to be the lakefront.
    Therefore, he is not interested in mental health clinics, public schools or anything that will actually benefit human beings.
    Oh–& did you know that he will be a speaker for the reformy meeting (800 to attend, sponsored by Jeb Bush & his pals) in Boston (see,also, Diane Ravitch’s Blog–10/17 post)? He also took campaign money ($10K, I think it was–correct me if I’m wrong) from Stand for Children.

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