My support for this court fight is without reservation.

Some of my colleagues have raised questions about the particulars of  the legal strategy in defending the pension protection clause and fighting Senate Bill 1.

I did share my opinion about how to pursue the political fight before SB1 was passed and signed by the Governor.

I’m a retired K-5 art teacher, not a lawyer. I don’t know anything about the current legal particulars. I’ve heard from the lawyers and I have confidence in them. That includes the lawyers for all the organizations that represent current and future retirees.

In fact, I’m confident that we will win.

I assume that what court the suits are filed in, when the suits are filed, whose names are included, whether they are union or non-union members, administrators or certified teachers, state employees or teachers – a victory for one will be a victory for all.

I have asked IEA President Cinda Klickna about this.

She told me, “The WAOI coalition and our attorneys will work as closely as possible in our lawsuit challenging the pension law on behalf of our active and retired teacher/faculty members. Our lawyers are working with other lawyers – IRTA and IASA – in their lawsuit on behalf of their active administrators and retired teachers and administrators to make sure that we all are not working at cross purposes.”

In response to an IRTA member’s inquiry, IRTA Executive Director Jim Bachman wrote, “Our lawyers look forward to working with the We Are One’s legal team toward the common goal of finding this law unconstitutional.”

It is perfectly responsible for members to debate policies and have differences over the direction our organizations are taking. But we have to be united in the current court fight.

Besides, what choice do we have?

My support for our leaders in IEA, the IRTA, the We Are One coalition or any other organization going to court in defense of the constitutionality of the pension protection clause is without reservation.

No reservations. No criticisms.

What would be the motive of one of the members of this alliance going after another member at this moment?

There is nothing wrong with a family fight. But a family, the members of the state’s pension systems, have to stick together when they going to court to keep what is rightfully ours.

4 thoughts on “My support for this court fight is without reservation.

  1. Lawyer here who has read the 3 complaints filed thus far. Some window dressing added for the press but basically each sets forth the main issues and appears to be a reasonable strategic move. Waiting for We Are One Illinois. The judges and justices will decide what they are going to decide and are accustomed to dealing with multiple parties raising intertwined issues. So everyone can stop panicking over minor differences in approach.

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