Bully Byrd-Bennett is now threatening parents and kids.


Things are heating up in Chicago today.

Lines are being drawn in the sand (or snow).

CPS CEO is not just threatening teachers with the loss of their teaching certification.

She’s threatening parents.

I’ve heard from dozens of parents who are telling me versions of this:

Our principal just received word TODAY that students who chose to opt out of the ISAT must SIT QUIETLY at their desk with the unopened test in front of them for the duration.

Does this mean that teachers who are opting to not administer the test will suffer some kind of consequence? The discussion for (          ) opting out is over. He’s not going to sit at his desk for that many hours for that many days doing nothing.

He won’t be allowed to even read. Again, our principal just found out today.

So BBB has decided to take on the CTU, the teachers and now the parents AND punish their kids who choose to opt out of a state standardized test that is being dropped next year and will be used for nothing.

She’s saying, “Off with their heads.”

We will see whose head gets chopped.

5 thoughts on “Bully Byrd-Bennett is now threatening parents and kids.

  1. Is any of the lame stream media covering this? They should. How about WBEZ – the Corporation’s Public Radio Station.

  2. The principal at my children’s school sent a letter on 2/26 with the following: “If a student is not taking the test, they will be in a separate room reading, or doing self-directed work during that time.”

    I’ve already opted my kids out. They are planning to read, draw and daydream for those two hours per day for 4 days.

  3. Students not taking the test should not be treated like they are in detention. Why punish children when the adults can’t act like adults in handling this disagreement. Glad to hear that at least one principal is smart enough to promote individual reading or other self-directed work.

    It is a shame administration is not coming up with better reasons to administer this test or have the courage to say enough already—It is MEANINGLESS.

  4. “Students who choose to opt out of the ISAT must sit quietly at their desk with their unopened test in front of them for the duration.” So–how many hours is this? (Many, I know–I have, unfortunately, administered the ISATs.)

    And this edict is, because, BBB and CPS CARE SO VERY MUCH about children–to quote them, “It is all about the children.” No–it is ALL about Pear$on $$$$ and YOUR unrelenting egotism, Ms. B-B and CPS Board. Parents, should you be at ANY school that does this to your child(ren), please contact an attorney or the ACLU–this is the willful withholding of a safe educational environment, whereby NO education is actually occurring and it is CHILD ABUSE, pure and simple.

    (&, actually, even those of us not having children in CPS should, as taxpayers {paying Pear$on for these wasteful, NOT “standardized” tests}, garner a lawsuit insofar as a misappropriation of public education funds.) I’m in.

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