Don’t call him “Rahmner.”


The Chicago Sun-Time’s political reporter Natasha Korecki sat down with Mary Ann Ahern of NBC, Art Golub and Kate Grossman, both reporters for the Sun-Times, to discuss the overlap of supporters for Bruce Rauner’s gubernatorial campaign and Rahm Emanuel’s mayoral campaign.


They’re the same guys.

Grossman points out that Bruce gets mad when you call him Rahmner.

Excuse me for a minute.

Rahmner. Rhamner. Rahmner. Rahmner. Rahmner.

Childish. I know.

Golub did the research.

They have 100 donors in common.

And when Golub refers to these donors, he’s not talking about people like us.

I usually donate 50 bucks. We Klonskys held a fund raiser for Will Guzzardi and raised some nice change. Given who our low-life friends are.

But Rahmner’s donors?

They come from what he calls the billionaire class.

100 members of the billionaire class.

“They’re two sides to the same coin,” said Sun-Times editorial writer Kate Grossman.

What do they have in common?

“They both support a pension overhaul,” explained Grossman. “Also known as cutting pensions.”

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