6 thoughts on “Pension theft is on the Koch brothers’ agenda. Is it on ours?

  1. Sorry on my last post only one Harmon voted for pension theft that I saw . I would like to know more about the others . I am pleased to see involvement in the primaries . But if the Unions are spending 300 million it should be focused on our issues not to simply enable one political party that treats us poorly . I would spend it all on Illinois Primaries and focus on govs in WI MI PA ME and FL and skip Illinois Most US Senate races are in red states where quite frankly we don’t have much influence and the US house and Illinois house are both gerrymandered so much ….I wouldn’t waste the money Id save it go after the rest of the thieves in 2016

    1. Skip Illinois? I don’t know. The Illinois governors race is also important. If Bruce Rauner is not defeated in the primary, then it is most important to defeat him in the general election. Rauner’s intentions are to destroy unions in Illinois both public and private sector. The best way to save money is vote against Rauner in the Republican primary, unless you are in one of the districts that have a pro-public pension candidate in a Democratic primary. Unfortunately you have to vote on EITHER a Republican or Democratic primary ballet. In the general election you can split your vote.

      1. Given your (and the union’s) view of Rauner’s potential for evil, one wonders why leadership acted so late. Why didn’t they spend the money and energy a year ago to back a truly progressive, pro-labor, pro-working families candidate? Everyone knew Rauner was running. And Quinn has a clear anti-union record. Put on this earth to kill pensions. They sat through Daley and Lisa. All along doing nothing.

      2. I don’t speak for any union’s leadership, and many times I disagree with some of their decisions. Most of the unions were deceived by Cullerton & Co into a “compromise”, then the unions were stabbed in the back with SB1. I hope they learned a lesson from that. My opinion had been and still is “NO COMPROMISE AND FIGHT ANY UNCONSTITUTIONAL PENSION THEFT IN COURT!”
        Rauner is trying to buy the governors office. There are a lot of anti-union extremists that run for office, but most don’t come close to winning like Rauner is doing. When Rauner became a clear threat, the unions finally woke up and are doing what they can to defeat him.
        I agree with you, Fred, that the unions should have been working to find and support electable, pro-labor, pro-public pension candidates. I don’t like Quinn, but may end up voting for him to defeat Rauner. Quinn is no friend of unions or retirees, but he actually is less effective of a threat then Rauner. Personally, I am going to pull a Republican ballet and vote against Rauner. In the general election, I will vote against Rauner again, if he is on the ballot.

  2. I am with Fred All are bad Raumer is likely to bore or stress of the job quickly -As to Lisa Holder advised several ATTY Gens not to fight gay marriage if they thought it unconstitutional -She could do the same on pension theft . I did heart the GOP candidate thought it was unconstitutional so I will vote for him -On gov its green or write in
    The unions should spend all the money on these primaries ……Then who cares who the gov is ……As to the malnutrition claim in the Rauner ad I can speak to experience on that . My aunt was almost 97 and had pretty much stopped eating I sure would not have let them stick IVs and feeding tubes in her.Most nursing homes suck because we sont want to look at the end of life . I wont excuse actual abuse and understaffing but Rauners nursing homes are just a part of a massively failed public private health system and its this failed model being pushed on education

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