Lee Talley. Bruce Rahmer’s tax return.


– Lee Talley is a retired Illinois school teacher.


After watching the March 5th watching the debate for Republican governor I noticed that candidate Bruce Rauner was stumbling over the question posed about his daughter getting preferential treatment for admittance to Walter Payton Preparatory High School. He stated that the family moved downtown to his wife could be closer to her non-profit work with early childhood education. This is now his main residence, not the house in Winnetka.

But in watching further it seemed strange to me that no one has asked Rauner to publicly disclose his tax returns. So I emailed Eric Zorn of the Chicago Tribune with this question.

“My question to you and other media, why has nobody asked him to release his tax returns so we can see exactly where his money is coming from and, more importantly, what he pays in taxes (or more pointedly, how does he manipulate the tax code for his own enrichment). I think all regular citizens would be interested in this.”

He thought it was a good question and forwarded it to Mike at the Rauner campaign.

Zorn wrote to Mike: 

What about it? Seems like a sensible and standard request. Will Rauner release his tax returns before the primary? 

Mike’s reply to Zorn:

On Thursday, March 6, 2014 12:14 PM, Mike wrote:
”Bruce and Evelyn pro-actively released 3 years of state and local 1040’s back in November. Additionally, when filling out the Statements of Economic Interests, the Rauner-Sanguinetti ticket used a broad definition of “doing business in Illinois” to determine what to include. In fact, Rich Miller of Capitol Fax said the disclosure report “is infinitely more detailed than mandated by law.”

Zorn forwarded this reply to me which also included a link to Rauner’s 2012 federal and state tax return (only the first two main pages of each). It was quite the read. Rauner earned over $53 million in 2012! Also interesting was that Rauner’s return listed his Winnetka as his principal address, which directly contradicts his statements in last night’s debate. http://brucerauner.com/downloads/Rauners_2012_Tax_Returns.pdf

After reading through the tax return and Mike’s reply to Zorn, I wrote Mike the following email asking two other questions:


 this is certainly an interesting read, but I find the information incomplete. I see a lot deductions, yet where are the other schedules that gives the specifics for what they are?

Also, it lists a Winnetka address on the filings…Last night Mr. Rauner stated that they live in a high-rise downtown. So which is correct?


I have yet to receive a reply from Mike or the Rauner campaign.

– Lee

6 thoughts on “Lee Talley. Bruce Rahmer’s tax return.

  1. And you will most lokely not receive one. Only more double talk and lying. How about the 3 homeowners exemptions Rauner claimed in Cook county. We should make an issue of that. That information is available by public record. A newspaper article was written about it a while back. How can someone who is dishonest be fit for Springfield? So we have a pension stealer and a liar (Rahmer) most likely as choices. May be time to move to another state to enjoy retirement on less income but in a peaceful setting.

  2. Be sure to read the comments on Zorn’s blog post. The consensus seems to be that asking rich people for their tax returns is a form of class envy.

    1. Wow! I think I struck a nerve. They think it’s just about Rauner, but I’d love to Mike Madigan, John Cullterton, and the rest of the legislature’s tax returns as well. When it comes politicians I always wonder what’s their motivation. Of course, I always reminds me of Mark Felt’s constant refrain to Bob Woodward during Watergate…”Follow the money.”

      For the record, I did the math….Mr. Rauner paid the following in taxes (percentage) for:
      2012 – Federal 19%, State 6.5%
      2011 – Federal 21.5, State 5%
      2010 – Federal 17%, State 3%

      Unfortunately the first two pages of a tax return yield no specific information as to what is being deducted and/or claimed. That would be interesting to know.

  3. I would like to know how much of his cap gains was carried interest. Also was it all from his funds that …made their money from our pensions……..I also suspect he iisnt the billionaire he likes to let on he his . In days past the rich tried to downplay their wealth but we live in a bragging era so I am sure he likes to play billionaire But even if he is a few centi millions short he has plenty of money and looks like it almost ALL came from our pensions

  4. This m-f er makes 53 mil and is going after grandmothers and their pensions.

    I hate this country.

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